________________ 94 Introduction school of Asanga not only accepted this new category but added several dharmas of its own under that heading, Thus the category of the chitta-viprayukta-samskara was not necessarily a Vaibhashika invention; it was known as early as the time of the Kathavatthu and was accepted by several major and minor schools. There is no unanimity among different schools regarding the number of sanskaras that were enumerated under this category. The lists of only two schools, viz., the Vaibhashika and the Yogachara, have come down to us. Of the former, two lists are known. The older one is given in the Asm. of Ghoshaka, and the later ones are given in the Bhashya and the Vgitti. The Yogachara list is found in the Asm. of. Asanga. Ghoshaka enumerates the following 17 samskaras :-(1) praptih () asamjni-sama pattih (3) nirodha-samapattih (1) asamni-ayatanam (5) jivitendriyam (6) nikaya-sabhagata (7) sthana-praptih (8)vastu-praptih (9) ayatana-praptih (10) jatih (11) jara (12) sthitih (13) anityata (14) nama kayah (15) padukayah (16) vyanjanakayah (11) prithagjanatvam. Asanga in his Asm." drops Nos. 7, 8 and 9 of the above list and adds the following nine, bringing his total to 23:(1) pravrittih (2) pratiniyamah (3) yogah (4) javah (5) anukramah (6) kalah (7) desah (8) samkhya (9) samagri: The Kosa and the Dipa closely follow the list of Ghoshaka. They enumerate only 13, dropping Nos. 2, 7, 8, 9 and 17 from his list and adding one more item called aprapti. The last 9 samskaras of the Yogachara list are omitted by them. Of these three, Ghoshaka's list is undoubtedly the oldest as he represents the period of the Maha-vibhasha. The Yogacharins seem to have modified his list by including Nos. 7, 8 and 9 in No. 1 = (prapti). The neo-Vaibhashikas like the Kosakara modified it still further by including No. 2 in No. 4. They replaced the prithagjanatva (No. 17) by their new dharma, viz, aprapti, since the former is only an alabha (non-obtainment) of arya-marga. I Vide Ado. p. 97, n. 4. 2 Asm. p. 10.