________________ 98 Introduction remark that the Kosakara in comparing the sabhagata with the Vaiseshika samanya has only made a futile attempt to see a similarity of the kind which we find obtaining between payasa (milk-porridge) and vayasa (a crow). The only important discussions available to us, therefore, are on the jivitendriya, the four lakshanas and the last three samskaras called nama-kaya, pada-kaya and vyanjana-kaya. Even in the case of these topics, the Vaibhashika arguments of the Dipakara are not different from those given in the Bhashya, which are well known through Poussin's L'Abhidharma-kosa and Stcherbatsky's The Central Conception of Buddhism. 4. Manas-karma Three kinds of purely mental (evil) actions are spoken of in the sutras. The Sanchetaniya-sutra, for instance, says : "How are the three kinds of volitional acts committed through mind ? Here O monks, one becomes covetous (abhidhyalu), full of ill will (vyapanna-chitta) and holder of a wrong view (mithya-d'ishti)." According to this sutra, the abhidhya, vyapada and mithya-dsishti are purely mental acts. Since the Lord has said that karma is volition, the Darshtantikas maintain that these three being mental actions are identical with volitions (chetana). The Vaibhashikas do not agree with this Darshtantika view. According to them the abhidhya, vya pada and mithyadaishti are passions (klesas) that produce an evil volition (karma), and not actions by themselves. They are not manas-karma (mental actions) but only mano-duscharita." In the sutras these three are identified with chetana because the latter arises through them. The Kosakara as usual, favours the Darshtantika viewpoint. The Dipakara asserts the Vaibhashika position 1 Ado. p. 90. 2 See my article 'Buddha's Prolongation of Life', in the BSOAS. XXI. 2, 1958. 3 Lack of space has prevented the editor from dealing with these topics in this Introduction. See my article "The Vaibhashika theory of words and meanings', BSOAS. Vol. XXII Part 1, 1959. 4 Adv. p. 148. n. 5. 5 Adv. p. 148. 6 Adv. p. 149.