________________ 3. Chitta-viprayukta-sanskara 89 Both the Theravadins and the Vaibhashikas arrived at almost identical lists of these sanskaras. The former enumerated 50, and the latter had 44 sanskaras. In the formulation of these samskaras, the early Buddhists appear to have been influenced by the Yoga school, which also analysed various states of mind with reference to several chitta-bhumis, samadhis, riddhis and dhyanas with their attendant yogangas or the means of yoga. In course of time, the Abhidharmikas, and particularly the Vaibhashikas seem to have been much influenced by their contemporary realists like the Samkhya, Vaiseshika, and Mimamsaka schools. Over a long period and particularly during the time of the Maha-vibhasha, the Abhidharmikas were engaged in studying and criticising the doctrines of these rival schools. Asvaghosha's poems reveal a profound study of the Samkhya system. Vasumitra, a leading Vibhasha-sastrin is extolled in the Vritti as the one who refuted the theory of 25 tattvas (of the Samkhya and demolished the (Vaiseshika) doctrine of the atomic structure of the cosmos.We learn from Paramartha's 'Life of Vasubandhu' that a Samkhya teacher Vindhyavasin defeated Buddhamitra, the teacher of Vasubandhu, in a debate, whereupon the latter composed the Paramarthasaptatika in refutation of the Samkhya. The Bhashya as well as the Vritti contains several criticisms of the Samkhya and Vaiseshika theories. A result of these criticisms and counter-criticisms was the acceptance of not only new theories but also of new dharmas and novel terms in the Vaibhashika school. The doctrine of the sarvastivada bears a close resemblance to the satkaryavada. The four traditional explanations of the sarvastivada can be treated as interpretations of the parinamavada of 1 See Poussin's article 'Le Bouddhisme et le Yoga de Patanjali', MCB, V. 223ff. 2 Adv. p. 260. 3 Toung Pao, Serie II, Vol. V, 269-96. 4 Vidc Adv. pp. 4, 31, 106, 149, 267, 268, 273, 416. 5 Vide Adv. pp. 4, 9, 10, 113, 274, 416. 6 Vide Adv. pp. 259-60.