सुषरा कुलश्रेष्ठ
सन्दर्भग्रन्थसूची १ काव्यादर्श (दण्डीप्रणीत)- गवर्मेण्ट ओरियण्टल सोरीज-४, पूना, १९३८ ई० २. काव्यालङ्कार (भामहप्रणीत)-विहार राष्ट्रभाषा परिषद, पटना १९६२ ३ काव्यालङ्कार (रुद्रटप्रणीत)-काव्यमाला २, निर्णय सागर प्रेस, बम्बई, १९२८ई. ४. दशरूपक (धनञ्जयप्रणीत)-चौखम्बा विद्याभवन, बनारस, १९५५ई. ५. ध्वन्यालोक (आनन्दवर्धनप्रणीत)-चौखम्बा सस्कृत सीरीज, १९४० ई० ६. शिशुपालवध (माघप्रणोत)-चौखम्बा विद्याभवन, बनारस, १९५५ई. ७ साहित्यदर्पण (विश्वनाथप्रणीत)-मोतीलाल बनारसीदास, दिल्ली, वाराणसी,
Segments in Śıśupālavadha Rhetoricians like Bhamaha, Dandin, Rudrata, Anandava dhana and Visvapātha have very clearly stated that a Mahakavya should also possess the five segments like a drama. For the composition of these five segments in a drama or a
Mahakavya, the careful planning of the principal (Adhikarika) and subsidiary (Prasangika) plot, five Arthaprakrtis, five Karyavasthās and some of the limbs of segments is necessary. Due to this very rule, we get the five segments and a number of their limbs in many Sankrit Mahakavyas,
Magha has very beautifully arranged five segments and ther 48 limbs in his Sisupalavadha In the presant article, an attempt is made to show the five Arthaprakstis (Elements of the plot), five karyavasthas (stages of the Action) and five sandhis (segments) in Sisupalavadha The inclusion of all of them in the said Mabakāvya is as under
Elements of the plot (Arthaprakrtis) (1) Seed (Bija)- Sisupalavadha
Canto (u) Vital Drop (Bindu)- , (iii) Episode (Pataka)
1 11 Ill-xlv