The Solankies of Toda
Struggle for Chātasū :
Rămacandra, who was granted Chatasu had to face stiff opposition of the Kachhawas, who were ruling at mer. According to a colophon of MS Jnanarnava Prthviraja Kachhawa was ruling at Amer He was succeeded by his son Puranamal, who ruled between VE 1584 to 1591 (1527 to 1534 AD). After him, a factricidal battle was ensued which badly engrossed the family of Amer At this time, Maideva of Jodhpur rose to power and badly defeated Biramadeva Medatiya who was ruling in Medată, according to a colophon of satKarma-Granthavach in VE 1592 (1535 AD) Soon alter the position was changed Biramadeva soon captured Chaias, as evident from the colophons of Sa-Pahuda (MS) of VE 1594 (1537 A D.) Rāmacandra Solanki seemed to have been ousted from Chatasu. Mäldeva of Jodhpur, who was badly pursuing Biramadeva, succeeded to capture Chatasu, as evident from the colophon of Varanga-carita (MS) of VE 1595** (1538 A D.). He appointed Rawat Khetasi, as his representative there. In this way the Solanki Ramacandra was deprived of Chatasu and he had to yield his allegience to Maldeva also
Rämacandra at Toḍā:
Śūra Sena availed long life. He was ruling at Toda in V.E. 1597 (1540 A.D.), as apparent from the colophon of MS Sudarsan-Caritas of that year The Jain temple of Anwǎ (Dist Tonk) contains a detailed inscription of this family. Śūrasena's 24 सवत् १५८१ वर्षे फाल्गुन सुदि १ बुधवार दिने.. भाम्बरात् कृत्य
महाराजाधिराज पृथ्वीराजराज्ये - Colophon of Jnanarnava of Yajosandgi In temple Jaipur (MS No. 25)
25 For details of the battles between Mäladeva and Bramdeva and for the text of the relevant colophons see author's paper published Etiharika Sodha-Sangraha.
26 सवत १५६४ वर्षे माहादि २ बुधवार श्रवण नक्षत्रे श्री की nie श ..(Kashiwal-op. cit p. 175)
27 Ibid p. 55.
28 संवत १५९७ वर्षे माघ मास कृष्ण पक्ष द्वितीयां तियो पर महा दुर्गात राजाधिराज सोलंकी राठ श्री सुर्यसेच राव बिरा (Thidp 189 )