The Solankles of Toda
It seems that Mahārāna Rāimala, subsequently exchanged it from village Badanor During this time the Mewar had to witness intenstine feuds Taking the advantage of such situz. tion the Meira' or 'Media,' tribe living at Bad inor rised the standard of revolt It is evident from the Kumbhalgarh Inscription of VE 1517 (1460 AD. and colophon of MS Sangita-Raja that the Mahārīnā Kumbhă defeated Munir, leader of Meisa-tribe and captured Badanor 11 Ruo Süra Sena seened to have been posted there, in order to curb the power of Mewa tube in the reign of Mahārånā Raimala Marriage of Tārā Bài :
Solanki chief Rao Śūra Sena locally known as Suratána had a handsomne daughter named Tārā Bā: He decided to marry her only to that who could help lum in regaining Touă Mahārānā Rānal had 3 sons namely Prthviraja, Sänga and Jaimal Due to an intenstine feud, Sängā had to leale Mewar and Prthvirāja removed to Godawar, who according to the Jain temple inscription of Nadlai of V.E 1557 (1500 A.D.) was ruling there Now Jaimal was only remained u Mewds, who was very proud He atteinpted to espouse Täră Bai by force and was slain by the said Solanki chief The Maharānā Rain mal was incited to revenge the foul murder of his son, but he declined and replied showing magnanimity that one who bad dared to insult a father, had received a proper lession,25
Prthvirā1 when heard the sad end of his brother took up the matter and captured Todā on the day of Moharrum This event seemed to have taken place before 1560 (1503 AD.),
17 Kumbhalgarh Inscpiption verse 254 (El vol xxt Mahärmna Kumbha
(Hindi) by the author, pp. 97-98 18 In Amar Kavya (MS) (Saraswati Bhawan, Udaipur, No 1669) contains
vina Shey afutay gi a37917 alsal ( sterthe N*** # B (LP 243) But this statement does not seem to be correct, bocause Singi also re-appointed Solankies back in Uparamál including Mändalgarh, Cbātasu and Todā At Mandalagarh Col Tod saw 2 big slabs Containing the pedigree of the Solankies, but he did not publish it (Tod Il p $45). At present there is only a fragmentray inscription of V E 1617 (1560 AD) there, having the name Balabhadra Solanki ruling there.