--- sve.Me
The Importance of Vegavati
The episodes relating to Vegavati are nearly identical in all the narratives She is a powerful major sigure possessing chara cterisitics which none of the other women do Unquestionably Vegavati's tale was also an essential part of the original BK text as well
When Vegavati introduces herself to the hero as an imposter for the beloved Somasırī (Madanamanjuha), she narrates her background in detail as follows (consistent in all versions) (1) She is a vidyādharī and the daughter of King Cittavegu.
ruler of Suvannābha, 18 by bis queen Angāravati She has a strong-willed brother named Mānasavega, who has
disputed her rights ever since childhood 2) Mānasavega has abducted a beautiful earth-dwelling
woman Somasiri (Madanamañjukā) and is keeping her in his pleasure garden. He does not dare violate the girl by force because of a dangerous curse upon him, 19 and he therefore asked Vegavati to try and persuade the girl to
love him willingly. 3) Vegavati made the attemp, boasting of he brothers good
qualities to the forlorn woman. But Somasriri (Madana. mañjukā) was adamant in her refusal, and spoke only in
high praise and loyalty towards Vasudeva (Naravābanadatra). 4) Vegavati promised to go and fetch the hero, admitting
that to take abducted woman back herself would be a
too obvious betrayal of her brother's wishes She takes 18 In the BKSS (XIV 3-5) the Vidyadhara king Vegavat ruled with
his queen Prthivion Mount Asädha. Also sec KSS (105 65-67),
BKM (13 2.40-41) 19 The curse applies to vidyadharas and brings instant death to him
who violates a woman's virtue by force (VH 227, 14-15, BKSS XIY 89-90, KSS 105 57-72, BKM 13.2 51-52) In & similar iale found in the Karakan lacariu (6), a vidyadhara pamed Madani mara 13 turned into a parrot by the curse of an ascetic girl whose modesty he had outraged