kalidas Blattacharya
The transcendentalists account for the a priori types of objects either in terms of symbolic construction or in those of transcendental creation Symbolic construction is only the translation, in a forn ard-looking language, of whatever emerges in the process of graded dissociation, and that is why it is called symbolic Mājā or ajñāna as positive is only the obverse side of the process of dissociation. Unreflective ajñāna is not inerely non-knowledge of truth, it, at the same time, is positive knowledge of a false content which, though not till then, is known as false Knowledge of the false as false is reflective unānu, ajñānu reflectively experienced as ajñāna, which is as much a knowledge of the false as false-here, as symbolically presented as an object-as knowledge of the truth, which latter is ultimately knowledge of pure subjectivity
For the transcendentalists who regard the world of objects, including the mental and the bodily, as will-construction, māyā is the will-power, the will aspect, of pure subjectivity. More of these two concepts of māyā later.