A Phonological Sketch of Apabbramsa
speed says' god'
1 u
sami u 'VICI lily' ie tien
with her cua
fallen garua.ra 'heavier' dui
two' sui na
dream ua du:a
'messenger hu 1.
'was' (feminine) vea kahei deu toa
water oi ;
avaloia looked'
goura ou.
kou.bala curiosity' (b) Sequences of three vowels :
Very frequently the vowel a and u, u seem to enter into construction with most of the above given two vowel sequences to yield sequences of three vowels Mostly these seem to occur
though within the same word The following instances ware found : aiu ; aiuccia
'very high aea ba laea
a name' aeu
paumaeu a aa
sancha aa shaded' a ia dha ia
caused to run a iu gha iu na
having killed' 1aa hjaa
heart' 10a vioa
separation uia
risen joia
1.15 2. Usually in vowel sequences with either a or o as the last member, a phonetic glide 'y' develops and this is marked in the orthography. This 'y' is of no phonemic signi