Vol. II-1996
Non-Standard Usages in the.....
9. योद्धुचित्त: (of fighting mentality) द्रोग्धुबुद्धिः द्रोग्धुमति: ( having mentality to offend.)
Frame-story P-27,28
According to Panini affix is attached to the root verb when the action refers to the general future time (get fri ft 3.3.10) and the anusvāra ofis dropped when the verb precedes 4 and 4 and both come together
( तुं काममनसोरपि ) 18 v. 8. गन्तुमनस्, कर्तुकाम etc. But चित्त, बुद्धि and मति, though denoting the same as 1 and 4 do, cannot be preceded by ending verb. But in the Pañcatantra, it is so used.
Considering all these usages, it is very difficult to reach any solid grounds that have caused these deviations from standard Sanskrit discipline. Nevertheless some factors, to my mind, must have led astray the language of the Pañcatantra, which are as follows -
1. Pañcatantra has been more popular among common people, its fables being mostly in parlance among them than among educated people. It is, therefore, possible that the language of common people, Prakrit must have influenced the language of the Pañcatantra.
2. Scribes, while copying it from one manuscript onto the other, must have committed such mistakes, for, the scribes were generally ignorant of standard language, be it Sanskrit or Prakrit.
Whatever the reason may be, we can at the very least say about any work in general and about the Pañcatantra in particular, that the more the work is read the more deviations of the work from its origin are possible, at least in case of its language.
In sum, we can say in words of V. S. Sukthankar: "Ours is a problem in textual dynamics, rather than in textual statics,
1. The Pañcatantra (Tantrakhyāyikā) J. Hartel.
History of Indian Literature - Vol. III p.311.
गत्यर्थकर्मणि द्वितीयाचतुर्थ्यां चेष्टायामनध्वनि - 2.3.12 Astā, Vol I p. 281.
सि. हे. श. पृ. २५१.
Aṣṭādhyāyi Vol. 1, p. 187.
सि. हे. श. पृ. २५०.
वै. सि. कौ. पृ. ७०४.
Aṣṭādhyāyi Vol. 1, p. 180.
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