Vol. II-1996
Some Jaina Metal Images....
viśvapadma emanating from the dvi-anga pedestal. He is flanked by a standing Jina and a camara-bearer on either side and Yaksa Dharanendra and Yaksi Padmāvati on his right and left flank. A semi-circular parikara raised on a crossbar is set in an ogee arch having four tooth-like projections on the exteriors on either side. The snake-hood surmounted by a chatra having a kalasa-finial is flanked by a vidyadhara on either side. Navagrahas are seen in a group on the base.
The inscription behind the parikara reads :
सं. ११३५ श्री भटहुद गच्छे शसुतयशोदेवश्रेयोर्थं पाहिन्या कारिता In Samvat 1135, Pähini got made this image) for the religious merits of Yaśodeva, the son of the head of Sri Bhatahrada gaccha. 4. Seated Pārsvanātha
Bronze, western Indian, Gujarat Date : V. S. 1154 / A. D. 1097 15.0 x 10.0 x 7.0 cms.
Acc. No. Ghoghā 34 (Fig. 4) Pārsvanātha is seated on a cushion supported by a viśvapadma, under a snakehood canopy. He is flanked by a male camara-bearer standing on a lotus on either side. The Yaksa Dharanendra and Yaksi Padmāvati are seated on his right and left. A semi-circular perforated parikara is borne on a cross-bar supported by two plain pillars. The snake-hood is surmounted by a chatra with the usual jar-finial on top and flanked by a drummer and a vidyadhara on either side. The parikara is also endowed with some stylised vegetal pattern. The nine planets are represented in a group on the dvi-anga pedestal.
The inscription behind the parikara reads : सं. ११५४ वैशाखे प्रतिष्ठिता ॥
ठ. भूमल ठ. सूह ठ. मुप्र ठ. वच्छराजेन स्वभगिन्याः स्वर्गस्थिताया ठ. कागश्रेयोर्थ कारिता ॥ थारा [uated] The image was installed in the month of Vaisakha in samvat 1154. Thakkura Bhūmala, Thakkura Sūha, Thakkura Mupra, and shakkura Vaccharāja made the image for the religious merits of Thakkura Kāga related to their sister resting in heaven of Thārāpadra gaccha. 5. Seated Jina
Bronze, western Indian, Gujarat Date : V. S. [11]81 / A. D. (11)24 16.0 x 10.0 X 6.5 cms.
Acc. No. Ghoghā 18 (Fig. 5) The Jina is seated on a cushion placed on a viśvapadma placed on a dvi-anga pedestal. The figure is defaced but the eyes and Śrivatsa mark on his chest are
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