Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 38
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 115
________________ APRIL, 1909.) MISCELLANEA. 111 arched niches for small statues and small I should be induced to call them small chapels; pilasters with panels square and circular, the buildings closed up are rather larger that the whole in a surprising state of preservation. the former and have the appearance of tombs, The ranges of stone pillars, which first the front of each is ornamented with small attracted my attention, appear to have supported pilasters rising from the moulding of the surbase an open building similar to what is called an supporting a cornice, on the astragala of which amblum; they stand about 5 feet out of a mould are regular lines of dentils like those of a of earth, are plain, round, octagonal or square Grecian arcbitrave; I should not be surprised if shafta, of one stone each, but none more than a passage to the centre of the pyramid was from a foot to 10 inches in diameter, and never found through one of these tombs. I paced had capitals. A thick brick wall with a coping round close to these buildings and found the of stone appears by its remains to have formerly I circumference measured 276 paces.-a platform Burrounded these buildings, and several large of about 30 feet wide and faced with a brick wall platforms faced with bricks and covered with 4 feet high, partly remaining, surrounding the ruins appear through the jungle. whole. The inhabitants, of whom I inquired, informed me that these ruins are called the Naique's palace, At a short distance stands another pyramid of and the headmen, remarking my admiration of the same form, but smaller in all its dimensions, and without the chapels and tombs at its base; them, told me he would send for an old Kandyan who could conduct me to a place in the jungle it is in far better preservation, the plaster still where I should find others far more extensive, remains in most parts, and although the fig-tree the remains of buildings constructed by Johar roots have made deep openinga in its sides, but rums or Giants. We set out at 4. p. m., and very little of the brick-work has fallen down. after walking about a mile through the jungle Near it stands the side and end wall of a large in an easterly direction & stupendous brick square building, similar to that which I saw in building, like the tombs of the kings in Kandy, the morning near the circular temple, but of great struck my view : the elevation of the building is strength and magnitude, the walls being nearly from 80 to 100 feet, and it is surmounted by six feet thick and of solid brick-work, a small a beautiful circular obelisk or spire in good arched window with stone burs remain in the side preservation, about 25 feet in height, towering wall, but the roof and other parts have fallen in magnificently over the surrounding plains and And filled the area. The whole of the standing jungle; on the first view the Kandyans of my walls are covered with ornaments in plaster, parte party uncovered their beads and prostrated of which are in surprising preservation, an archi. themselves with marks of the greatest reverence trave and cornice projects in front supported by The whole of this great pyramid is built of the numerous pillars and containing arched niches reat brick above described. the coating of for small statues and panels between the pilasters plaster, which once encircled, has dropped off, exhibiting dancing figures in relief, the cornice large trees and patches of jungle are rooted in its and frieze are covered with small grotesqus circumference and project from the surface, and human figures in pot bellies in all attitudes (about the fall of vast masses of the brick-work, forced 7 inches high), the bands and fillet are covered down by that natural destroyer of Ceylon with rows of small birds resembling geese and architecture, the Indian fig-tree, has left broad made of burnt earth and chunam. and deep chasms, exhibiting only regular layers The evening was closing fast and obliged me to of the same material, from remarking which I leave these interesting objects to view one, which am led to conclude that this vast pile is not my guide told me, surpassed them all; and on a mound of earth faced with a brick wall, but advancing about half a mile further in the jungle that the whole structure is one great mass of I came upon what at first view appeared a large brick masonry: I am also inclined to think that black rock, about 80 feet long and 30 higil in the like the Egyptian pyramids it may contain centre, aud sloping towards the ends, and on a chamber in the centre. Round the base of this advancing a few steps further found myself under structure and projecting about 10 or 15 feet from a black and gigantic human figure at least 25 it, at equal distances, stand 16 small brick feet high, I cannot describe what I felt at the buildings, one open and one closed up alternately, moment. On examination I found this to be a those that are open are about 10 feet in front figure of Budhuo in an upright posture, of excel and measpre 5 feet square inside, the entrance lent proportions and in an attitude, I think, to each is by a small square door, the frame of uncommon, his hands laid gracefully across his stone, and the roofs are conical, opening at the breast and his robe falling from bis left arn.. top like chimneys, the remains in plaster of the Close on his left lies another gigantic figure of usual guardian figure are visible on the sides of the same sacred personage, in the usual recumsome of the doors of these buildings, from which bent posture. I climbed up to cxamine it more


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