75 ततः स शिष्यैर्बहुभियंतीशः काखीपथावे
भक्त्या भजंस्तद्वमानितस्सन् श्रीशैलपूर्ण
वर्यम् । प्रणतीरुतम् ॥
76 तीक्षितस्सन् कमलानिवासं प्रपद्य तत्पूर्ण वराद्यतीशः । रामायणं तद्विविधैर्महार्थैस्संवत्सरं तत्र वसन्न
गृहात् ॥
27 पूर्णाममानिसको बसीशमाश्रित्य
समस्तमर्थम् ।
अवापतुस्तत्र सुतं कनिष्ठं पूणाप्यदात्तद्रह
मानपात्रम् ।।
78 पिठ्ठानमियं च तेन दत्तं गोविन्दभई
निजयान्वितं च ।
सङ्गृह्य हृष्टः समवापर का पथादेव
यतीश्वरश्च ॥
79 गोविन्दमहं च विरक्तमैक्ष्य यति तमेंबारभिधं स चक्रे । जातः सुतो रङ्गपतेः प्रसादात्तस्कूरनाथस्य च साधुमहः ॥
80 भट्टारकं तं च पराशराख्यं कृत्वा कृतं तेन सहस्रनाम्राम् । भा प्रतिष्ठाप्य स यामुनार्थमनोरथ पूरितवान् द्वितीयम् ॥
81 कदाचिदन्तमर्थचिन्तां कस्य प्रवन्धस्य चिदाचरन्तम् । वीरे वीक्ष्य पुस्त ह्ययमित्यवोचत् ॥
82 तदीरितार्थं निजचिन्तितं तं श्रुत्वा यतीशी प्यति विस्मितः सन् । नाथान्वयादेत तथेति मध्यामज्ञानपुत्रेत्यभि
बस्वजेतम् ॥
75 Then Yatisa, followed by many disciples going to Tirupati by way of Kanchi and devoutly worshipping the adorable at the hill of Venkata, paid his respects to his guru Sri Sailapûrna, having been regarded with favour by the God at Venkatadri.
76 Having been favoured by him and devot - ing himself to Srinivasa, from Sri Sai - lapürna, Yatiśa Ramanuja, learnt, in the course of a year's residence, the Ramayana with all its varied interpretations.
77 At the command of Sri Saila, his two sons, learnt there from Râmânuja, all that was worth learning Sri Saila gave over to Râmânuja, the younger of the two, as being worthy of his place.
78 Having taken with him Pillin given by Sri Saila, and Govinda Bhaṭṭa obtained at his own (Râmânuja's) request, Yatisa (Râmânaja), with joy, returned to Srirangam by way of Kanchi. 79 Seeing Govinda Bhatta, quite resigned, Râmânuja made him an ascetic under the name of Embâr. By the grace of God Ranganatha, to that Kûranâtha (Kûrattalvâr) had been born the son Bhatta.
80 Giving the name Parisara to that Bhatta, Ramânaja by his approval established the commentary on the Sahasranama written by Bhatta and thus fulfilled the second of the desiderata of Yamunârya.
81 On a certain occasion seeing Râmânuja (Yatisa) contemplating the drift of a certain Prabandha (Poems in the Tamil Prabandha ), that son of Purna (Pillán, son of Sri Sailapurna) stated what Ramanuja was in contemplation upon.
82 Struck with wonder at the young man giving out what he himself arrived at on contemplation, believing that the young man knew it because of his descent from Nathamuni, Râmânuja embraced him as his son in intellectual descent.