Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 38
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 343
________________ INDEX. 186 121 13,5,6 .. Amesha Speptobacco ... ... 264 127 ... 129 89 ... 288 Abdulla, Golconda k., inscrip, of ... 97, Alla Tirukálatid&va-Mahårája, a Telugu *Abdu 'r-Rahim Khan Lodi, father of Shih Choda chief ... ... ... ... 11; 86 Daula .. .. ... .. .. .. 28 Almora, home of the poet Gumani Pant ... 177 Abbimanyu, son of Arjuna .. ... . altars, in Spiti ... ... ... ... ... 51 abhityakta, an outcaste... ... ... ... 261 Amanashy8, goddess ... ... ... ... 126 Achårt Brahmåns, sectarial mark of ... Ambadeva-Mabáraja, a Kakatiya feudatory... 88 Achyuta, k., second Vijayanagara dyn. 94, Ambala, building ceremonies in ... 123, f. 98 and n. Amerotat and Haurvatat, Amesha Spentas Adam and Eve and the fig tree, a tabu ... 56 Adam Khan, & Ohigtan chief ... ... 65 America and tobacco ... ... ... ... 176 Addarki, in Ongole täluka, cap. of the Amesha Spentas, seven divine beings of the Kakatiya feudatories 88; and the Reddis Zarathushtrians .. ... ... 1, 2, 6 89; recovered from the Gajapatis ... Åmgachht in Dinajpur dist., Pala inscrips. at adhaka, a measure ... * *** 239, 1., 247, f. Adhyayanôteava festival 142, 1. Ammaraja, alias of Nandivarma-Maharaja ... 85 Adityas, the seven, of the Indians ... ... 1, 2 Amritsar, tabu in 56; house s uperstitions adoption customs in Spiti ... ... 50 122, ff. Afghan Pamirs, and Dr. Aurel Stein ... 297 Amuden of Arangam, author of the TiruvaAgni, g. of the 8, E. quarter ... rangattandadi.. agnishtôma sacrifice ... .. ... amulets, in Spiti... ... ... ... ... 51 Abirs, a Panjab sect, tabus among ... ... anaya, misfortune ... A[b]ivarman, father of Pushyēņa ... 145 Ancient Khotan, a work by Dr. Aurel Stein. 297 Ahmad Khān, Balti, k., defeat of ... 67 Andai or Gôde ... .. .. ... .. 142 Ahmad Shah I., Bahmani k... 98 Anderson, Mr., murdered in Multan ... 172, 175 n. Ahmed Kbān, son of Ali Mir Sher Khan, Andhraporņa or Vadaganambi, author of the defeated by the LadAkhis .. 63 Vatirijavaibhavam ... ... ... ... 129 Ahura Mazda ... ... ... ... Andie, hill goddess ... ... ... 295 and n. Ahuras, and the seven Amesha Spentas Anegondi, or Kunjarakona, in Hyderabad, and Aik, Panjab riv., and Shah Daula ... ... 30 the Vijayanagara kings ... ... ... 89 Airema, Aryaman, irema Ishyo, Amesha Angad, a warrior... ... .. ... .. 150 Spenta ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 ungi, a choli or bodice ... ... Aitaréya Aranyaka, a work ... ... ... 184 Aniruddha ....... .. 180, 183, 186 180, 183, Aitis, & clan of Keontbal Kanets ... 43 and n. Anjani, mother of Hanuman ... ... ... 150 Ajuddhan, for PÅkpatan ... ... 53 antarsambika, keeper of the barem ... ... Akbar, Emp. 28; 30; 32; and the mint at Anujivivrittam, the conduct of a courtier ... 277 Mathura ... ... ... 80; 176 apanaya, impolicy .. .. ... 283 Akhund of Swat, the, and the Shah Daula Aramaiti, Armaiti, an Amesha Spenta ...1-5 sect ... ... ... ... ... ... 28 Aroheological notes during explorations in Akkana, opposed Manmasiddha of Nellore Central Asia in 1906-08, by Dr. M. Aurel + 84 and n Stein . ... ... ... .. 297, . dkranda, an ally... ... ... ... 288; 310 | Ariyar Plates of Virupaksha. Saka Samvat Akshay-bat, temple in Gaye ... ... ... 236 1312, by T. A. Gopinatha Rao, M.A. 12, f. Alampandi plate inscriptions of Virdpåkoba Arjuna, a hero, killed Jayadratha 145; 179; 12 and n. 181; 184, ff. Ålavandar, poet ... ... ... ... 134, 137 n. Aroras of Ferozepur, tabus among ... .. 56 Alexander the Great ... ... ... 144 ; 298 art, in ancient India ... ... ... ... 145 Ali Mard&n, Shah, & noble under Sher Shah. 116 Arthasastra of Chanakya, (Books V-XV.) Ali Mir Sher Khan of Baltistån, invaded translated by R. Shamasastry, B.A., Bk. V. ... .. ... ... 62, 63 Yogavrittam, The Conduct of Government Aliwal, battle of ... ... ... ... ... 171 Officers, 257-264, 277–281; Bk. VI. Aliya Râmaraja, a Vijayanagara ... ... 94 Mandalayonih, The Source of Sovereign Allada-Pemmayadeva-Maharaja, Pallava chiet. 85 States 281–284; Bk. VII., Shadgunyasam. Alluntikka, Pallava k.... udedah, The End of the six-fold policy Alluntirukalti, Pallava k. . 303-310


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