Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 38
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 351
________________ INDEX 337 . . . 3. 7 Edpatika, fraudulent spies ... 26+ khards, a mill, a tabu ... .. .. 56 Kapildvara, Gajapati k, and Mallikarjuna. 93 kharf, a basket ... ... ... ... ... 55 Kapitha, SankAsya .. ... .. 153, 158 Kharanth, pargana in Keonghal ... 46 and n. kardh parshad ... . .. 123 khâta, cloth :... ... ... ... ... 49 karas ... ... Khatri women of Amritsar, tabu among ... 56 Karikala, mythical Chola k. ... ... Khian-tho-wei, for Ohien-t-e-wei, and GanKarikala-Choda-Mah&rija, feudatory of dhara ... ... ... ... ... .. 152 Kalôttunga I. ... ... ** * Khosas, Baloch tribe, British allies ... ... 173 Karisa, for KÅñcht ... ... ... 138 Khotan, and Dr. Aurel Stein ... ... 301, f. karmantika, superintendent of manufactories. 263, k, of Tibet ... ... 245 Karma, a Kaurava ... ... ... 183, 11. Khabatbra, Vairya, one of the Amesha Karo&ţa dyn., and Udayagiri ... ... ... 96 Spentas... ... ... ... ... *** *** 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4 Karnatakakavicharito, Vol. I., by R. and 8. K amAli, vil, in Keonth nthal ... ... 46 and n. G. Narasimhachar, book-notice of... 255, 1. Khurasan, Aurangzeb's territory ... ... 81 Karnataka Sôméka, the Hoysala K. Vira- Khwis Khan, or Khan Khwas... ... 118, t. Sômêsvars ... ... ... ... ... 11 Kiolborn, the late Prof., and the Palas Karpo, dGa-dgi, a boy poet, in Tibetan 233, ff., 247, f. song ... ... ... ... ... ... 66 Kien-to-wei, Gandbåra 152 KAsht Ram, husband of Subdi ... 328 and n. kibar wood, a tabu ... 56 Kashmir, visited by the Emp. Shahjahan 31 kim tree, a tabu ... ... ... 55 f.; conquered by Rinchen 59; and the Kim ... ... ... ... ... 150 Emp. Aurangzeb 81; called Sarasvatipita Kinjalke, & writer ... ... ... ... ... 279 140 ; Sale of, 172; and Lohe Pal ... ... 295 kinkanítoal, bandarwal... ... ... 127 Kastr, capture of ... ... ... ... 171 Kizhurghan, the Princess's Tower," near Kasyapa, a demon .. ... ... ... 179 the Taghdumbash Pamir ... ... .. 300 Kataka, Cattak, Gajapati cap. .. ... 93 Kodaikanal, Malayalam inscripe. near 54 Katyayana, ancient writer ... ... ... 279 Kok-yar and Dr. Aurel Stein ... ... ... 800 Kauravas, the ... ... 119; 179, 181, 184, t. Kömati-Vema of Kondavidu, a Reddi chief 92 n. Kausambi, tri.... .. ... ... 287 Kondavidu, and the Reddis 89; 91; 92 n.; a Kautilya, & writer ... 280, 309, ., 910 Gajapati flet 93; conquered by Ranga II. Kvali taluka, inscrips, in ... ... ... 95, 96 94; 96; 97 Kaveri, riv., banks built ... 85. Koņidena, the ancient Kotyadona, TeluguKAvdrippakkam, in N. Arcot dist., inscrip. Ohoda cap. ... ... ... ...8;9 at ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 98 ... 96 Kopperubjinga, & rebel, perhaps identical Kavirdjamarga, earliest known Kanarese with Maharajasinha, the PallAva... ... 85 work .. ... .. .... ... 255, . Koldbhisamharanam, the replenishment of Kavisvara, and the Kavirajamdrga ... ... 256 the treasury .. ... ... ... ... 260 Ksvunji, near Kodaikanal, ruins at ... ... 54 Kott, in the Paijab 42, 45, 46 and n,; 48, 69, ff. Keoh, in the Pasijáb, famous for the beauty K avi Dovt, Mother of Bana... ... ... 182 of its women ... ... ... 34 and n. Koțyadona, Konidena ... ... ... ... 8 Keonthal State 41 and D., 43 and n., 45 Krishna, g. ... ... 178, 180, 182-186 and n., 46, ff.; 72, 73 Krishna, Kakatiya k., and the Muhammadans Kern, and Iranian beliefs ... ... in 8. India ... ... ... 4 n. ... . . 88 Kesava temple, at Konidena ... ... ... 9 Krishna III., Rashtrakata k.... .. ... 7 Kejavasomayaji, character in the Yatirdja Krishna-DvarikA temple, at Gaya ... ... 240 vaibhavam of Andhraporņa... ... 129, . Krishộaraya, Vijayanagara K., and the GajaKeshab Dev temple at Mathra .66 patis ... ... 93 n., 94, 96 and n., 97 n. Kbadalik, tn., Khotan ... ... ... ... 802 Kshatriya caste marks ... 118 and n., 119 Kbalsh, vil in Keonghal ... ... 48 and . kshepa, a cast, a throw ... ... ... 280 Kalimpur, Malda dist., PAla inscrip. at 234. 247 Kuber, g. of the North quarter .... ... 127 Khalsa, the fraternity of the Sikhs 82; 171, Kubera, g. of riches ... ... ... 148 ; 178 1., 173 and n. kuchchilipottis, tinsel discs, as caste marks... 121 Khanduja, an Arora sept, labwe among ... 56 Kukti, pass in Chamba ... ... ...295 and n. Khan Khwas, or Masnad Ali Khwas Khan, Kulottunga L, Chola k. and the Velananda and Shor Shah, the Changatta (Mughal) 1 chiefs ... .. . ... 7, 8, and n.; 85 at Delhi, legend of ... ... ... 113, fr. Kulottunga IL, E. Chalakya k.. ..


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