MAY, 1909.)
44 परसरादेशविचारहर्षात्तस्सन्निधौ श्रीवकु
द्रुमस्य । छायायुतं तत्परम पाच ध्यावा महापूर्ण
गुरुं स भेजे।
45 सशकचक्राङ्कन पुण्ड्यागमन्त्रांस्तथरति
मन्धरत्नम् । भन्यांश्च तबोपविदेश मन्त्रान् रामानुजाचार्य
वराय तस्मै ॥
46 तादृष्हावैयदिव्यदेशाकाश्यामयागम्य
गुरुः सशिष्यः। अन्वर्थनाना वरदं प्रणम्य रामानुजार्या
वसथं प्रपेदे ।
47 उपारिशस्सविसहस्रगाथास्तड्याससूत्रार्थ
मपि प्रहः। रामानुजार्यश्च गुरुं सहारं भपूजयन्नित्यम
भीष्टकृत्या ।
44 Rejoicing at the respective conımands that
thus brought them together, in the same temple, at a spot where, the Vakula tree cast its shadow and which he (Ramanuja) took to be the abode of the highest (paramatipadam), Riminuja elected
Mabâ pûrņa for his holy preceptor. 45 To Riminaja, Mahapurna gave instruction
in the mantras with their meanings relating to the performance of the marks of the disc and conch, the putting on of the Vaisliņava face-marks and worship of God. In the same manner he instructed in the Mantraratuam and the other
mantras as well. 46 The guru with his disciple then left such a
holy place (as the one where these events took place). Reaching Kanchi and worshipping Varada (giver of all that one wishes for) whose name bears out his act, they reached the house where Ramanuja
was in residence.. 47 Mahipurna, well pleasell, instructed him in
the three thousand songs (The Tamil Prabandhams 4000 less the Tiruvôymoli 1000) and even the commentaries on the Brahmasútra of Vyasa; Raminuju by conducting himself in a way that his preceptor approved of, honoured his guru
and his wife. 48 While Ramanaja had gone to Bhulapuri on
some business, Mahapurņa took his wife to task for having lost her temper with Riminuja's wife for using scornful lan
guage unworthy of her. . 49 Mahâpůrqa then left with his wife for
Srirangam. Ramanuja having leard of what had taken place, grew angry with his wife and sent her away to her parents,
full, as he was, of devotion to his preceptor. 50 Bereft of desire, Ramaanjagare up his wife
and having worshipped Devaraja, received from him the aśrama (life) of Sannyasi (ascetic). Devaraja gave him the name
Yatiraja. 51 After this Ramanuja, prince of ascetics,
carrying a tridanda (triple staff), with tuft of hair, holy thread, and brown robes muttering the mantraratua (the second three mantras in note 3), eagerly conducted himself as became his caste and stage of life.
48 केनापि कार्येण ततः काचिद्रामानुजे
भूतपुरं प्रयाते । तत्पल्याधिक्षेपनिकर्षवाचा कष्टां स्वदेवी
सचुकोपपूर्णः॥ 49 पूर्णः स देव्याथजगाम रई तथापिवृत्तं
सनिशम्य रुष्टः। रामानुजार्यो गुरुभक्तिपूर्णः स्वदेविका मान
गृहं निनाय ।। 60 पत्नी परित्यज्य स वीतरागः श्रीदेवराज
प्रणिपत्य तस्मातू। सुर्याश्रम स्वीकृतवान् ददौ स देवोपि तस्मै
बसबखिदण्डी ससिखोपीतकापाययुक्तो
मनुरलजमा । वर्णाश्रमाचारपरश्वकाशे रामानुजार्यो यति
10 The second of the three mantras explained in pote (8) d. 10 The second