Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 08
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 96
________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1879. Having conquered him and having driven him “No molestation is to be offered to this. He out from the country, and having made the who offers it becomes guilty of the five great other claimants to assume the appearance of sins. And so it has been said by V yâs ,stars absorbed in the rays of the sun, the Land has been given by many, and has been younger brother of king Amma, (viz.) Bhima, preserved by many; he, who for the time being who was like Arjuna and who was possessed possesses land, enjoys the benefit of it.'” of terrible prowess, ruled the earth for 12 years, No. II. just as the Wielder of the thunderbolts (rules) This, also, is, unfortunately, undated; but a the mighty (expanse of the sky. comparison between it and Mr. Fleet's No. To him, who was like Maheśvara, from XXXIV. shows that it must have been inscribLokama hâdê vi, who was like U mi, there ed a few years earlier than the latter. It was born king Amma, who was like Ku- carries the genealogy down to Ammaraja I., mára. He was a very tree of plenty to poets and then narrates that Sri Vishnuvarand minstrels : he was a very cow of plenty to dhana gave certain land in grant. But the the twice-born and holy men and the poor and context, very similar to Mr. Floet's, seems to blind and his relations; he was a very philoso show that Sri Vishnuvardhans is pher's stone to those who begged of him; he intended to be an epithet or title of the sowas a very jewel of a king; and a very sun by vereign Amma, just as, in Mr. Fleet's, Amma reason of his fierce brilliance. II. is called (?) " Śr i-Vijayaditya." At He, Sr 1-Vijay aditya, the asylum of the any rate, there is no Vishņu vardhana universe, the great king, the supreme king, known from the lists already published bethe supreme lord, the most venerable, thus longing to this family within 75 years of this addresses all the housebolders, headed by the king Amma's reign, which began in Saka chiefs of countries, who inhabit the district of 867. Gudrâ vâra" : It will be noticed that the donor of this, "King Amma the great lord. gave the field whoever he may have been, was in the same of ................ which adjoins district when he gave this grant that the donor the south side of the village named PÁmbar- of Mr. Fleet's grant No. XXXIV. was in, ra", to one named Yuvara ja-Ballala- Pennåta vådi, wherever that may have de va-V él å bha ta-Boddiy a', the son of been. The grant is of the village of Drujjur, (the lady) Pamma v á who is improving this the boundaries of which are declared to be the town (?). The boundaries of these two fields lands of the villages of-E., Tarugumi; S., are ;-East, .......... Tank; South, the Gottibrôlu; W., Malka bôramu; and field (called) Rattêdi; West, the ....25 of N., Adapu. I think that this granted village the field called Sugumma; North, the eastern is that now known as Dzuzzûr, a village lying ...." of the field of Velp û r. (Also), East north of the Krishņâ, about nine miles from the ...............""; South, the great river, and nineteen north-west of Bezwada. road; West, the river; North, the ...... But, if so, the writer of the grant has made the ......of Gantha sala." And the field mistake of putting west for east, and east for with the house, (whose boundaries are) ;-East, west. West of Drajjúr is the village of the ........." of Badirâlas; South, Tadigummi; east of it, on the east side of the ..............."; West, the .. & range of forest-covered hills, which would .....”; North, the village have tbus been included in the grant", is the place of assembly. village of Malkåporam. On the south is a 11 This name is unknown to me, but there is a village delta. It possesses a Buddhist stApa in fair preservation called Rodravaram in the eastern delta of the Kishn. by all reports, but as yet unexplored. 15 Modern name P&marru. 12 mjaya-patu ? 1. Velábhatdya ? Badirala. This village I have found no trace of. 15 garusu? • tên (-:-?-?) ta mat phu ? 10 turpina. Telugu, tūrpu, 'east.' * jinuraksha-patu? 11 pannasa? 30 On these hills in subsequent years was erected Vélpür, village close to Påmarra, Krinhnd eastern handsome palace and fort, built for defence and safety dalta. by the Reddi (? Ratta) chiefs, and subsequently seized by 1 Damadiya-ponnasa ? the Musalmans. The fort and village go by the namo Ya (?-?)yyari pannasa? of Kondapalli, and the hills are now called the Konde. u Ganthasila is also village in the Krishn& eastern palli Hills. The rains are very picturesque.


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