[JULY, 1879.
one, the most liberal man in the world', who Vol. V., p. 110), which certainly seems to be delighted in religion, published his name dated in that era;-2, the Pathan inscripthroughout the world under the form of the tions of Samvat 802, recording the accession Vikrama-varsha."-And 3, A stone-tablet on of Vanaraj, (mentioned by Dr. Bühler the north side of the temple of Kaļinga at at Vol. V., p. 112), which can be referred to Kalige in the Tengali Taluka in the Nizam's no other era ;"--and 3, the grants of the Dominions; MS. Coll. I, 415. In the description Chauluk yas of Ana hila pataka, of Vikram å ditya VI., it contains these two ranging from Vikrama-Samvat 1043 to 1317, verses :-Balláļtąnado! ripu-nripar-ellaran= (published by Dr. Bühler at Vol. VI., p. 180), fkárngadinidam-oragisi dharani-vallabhanrádam which are specifically dated in that era. Dr. Tribhuvanamallash Chalukya-Vikramaditya- Burnell (So.-Ind. Palæo., 2nd Ed., p. 73) nripam | Eseva Śaka-varshavam márisi Vikrama- says that the Vikrama-Samvat "is all but unvarusham=orusham=eridun tarind pesararis known in Southern India, except in the varumatiyo!u parayisidah jhasa k=enalu daydlu Dekkan." And, as far as my own experience Permadi nesadanie 11.-The transcription of the goes, it was never used, either before or after second verse is obviously faulty, and I cannot the time of Vikramaditya VI., by the emend it from conjecture to my satisfaction; what Western Chalukyas and Châluk yas; orushavn means, I do not know, unless it is for nor by the Rashtrak û tas, who temporaprasen, 'I do not rub out', or oreven, 'I will tell, rily supplanted them in Western India; nor i.e. publish.' But the purport of these two verses by the feudatories of those dynasties; nor by is the same as of those of the Gadag inscription. the Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi. Dr.
Sir Walter Elliot himself does not seem to Bühler, it is true, speaks, at Vol. V., p. 112, take these passages as referring to the Vikrama- of a Rashtra kata grant of the eighth Samvat, which commences,-in Northern India, century as being dated in both the Saka era on the new-moon which immediately precedes and the Vikrama-Samvat; but, as I have the sun's entrance into Mesh &, or originally on pointed out at p. 151 above, the mistake is that Sunday the new-moon of the 14th March, B.C. of BAI Gangadhar Sastri, who published this 57,9—and, in Southern India, on the new-moon grant, at Jour. B. Br. R. As. Soo, Vol. II., of Karttika, or, originally on Wednesday the p. 371. It is really dated, in words and figures, 22nd September, B.c. 57.' Bat, elsewhere, the "when Saka 675 had expired;" and no refermistake has been made of understanding them ence is made to any other era. to mean that Vikramaditya VI. abolished The mention of Vikramaditya and the use of the Saka era, commencing with the Nanda, in the Yedarave inscription, in the sun's entrance into Méshe, or originally on same verse with the institution of a new era, Saturday the 14th March A.D. 78',-which had indicates pretty plainly that the Vikramabeen adhered to by his predecessors, and in Sarivat was kenown at that time, though it troduced the Vikrama-Samvat instead of it, - certainly was not officially used, in that part or, at least, to indicate that it was about his of the country. But the object that Vi. time that a change of this kind was made. kram Aditya VI. had in view was, -not to
So far from any such change of era having introduce that era into his dominions, ---but to been made at all, -ont of the large number of in- eclipse the fame of it, by establishing a new era scriptions from Western and Southern India that | under a similar title in his own name. have come under my notice, the only instances in Mr. S. P. Pandit (Vol. I, p. 83), evidently which the Vikrama-Samvat is used are,-1, the & good deal influenced by the coincidence of Gûrjara grant of Jayabhata of "the the initial date of the years of the Vikramayear 486," (published by Dr. Bühler at Samvat in Southern India, interprets the date
Jagadékaddni. A correction, in accordance with my or, the epoch given above may be regarded as the com. present translation, should be made in my translation at mencement of the year 0.-ED. Vol. IV., p. 181 a, 1. 6, and in my remarks at Vol. VII., Corresponding to Wednesday, the first day of the P. 246 b, 11. 14-17, and Third Archaeol. Report, p. 105, bright fortnight of Karttika of Kaliyuga 8044.-ED. 11. 18-20.
Corresponding to Saturday, the first day of the bright Corresponding to Sunday, the first day of the bright fortnight of Chaitra of Kaliyuga 3179.-ED. fortnight of Chaitra of Kaliyuga 8044. It must be observed The Editor, however, questions the authenticity of the that the Hindu dates always indicate the years completed; passage containing the date.