Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 08
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 269
________________ SEPTEMBER, 1879.] SANSKRIT AND OLD-CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. three as I at first thought; and the date given is "when Saka 556, corresponding to Kaliyuga 3735, had expired." I may also mention that, long after the above remarks were first written by me, it became known to me that, at much about the same time, [*] Jayati bhagavin()-Jinndré Transcription. chiram= ...ja......ra(? ksha)na-janmanô yasya jñâna-samudr-ântarggatam-akhilan-jagad-antarîpam-iva (II) Tad-anu a-parim ya Chalukya-kula-vipula-jalanidhir-jjayati (1) prithiv-mauli(i)-lalimnāṁ yah-prabhavah-purusha-ratnânâm | Sûrê vidushi cha vibhajan-dânam-mânan-cha yugapad-êkatra || (1) [2] a-vihita-yâthâsam(?)dhyo(?) jayati cha Satyâśrayas-su-chiram | Prithivi-vallabha-sabdô yêshâm-anvartthatâñ-chirañ(m)-ja (ya) tah tad-vamśêsha jigîshushu têshu bahushy= apy titsha Nünd-bêti-fat-bhighâta-patita-bhrint-déva-patti-dviplarityad-bhimakavandha-kha(kha?)dga-kirana-jvåll-sahasra(srë) rapo 241 Professor R. G. Bhandarkar had, by a very similar process of reasoning, independently arrived at the same result. His remarks will be found in a paper on a Western Chalukya copper-plate grant, published by him at Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc., Vol. XIV., p. 16. [*] Lakshmi(kahml)r-bhivita-chipal-apichakriti auryylon yên-itmaakt rj-sij-Jayasiûha"vallabha iti khyâtas-Chaluky-anvayah (1) Tad-âtmajô-bhûd-Rara paraga-nâmâ divy-ânubhavô jagad-êka-nâthaḥ amânushatvaṁ kila yasya lokal ssu(su)ptasya jânâti vapuh-prakarshat [*] Tasy-abhavat-tanûjah-Polekêsi(st) ya(yah) 10 śritEndakinti api [*]Sri-vallabhô-py-aylald-Vitkpipari-vadhi-varatim | Yet-trivargga-padavim-alah kahitau n-ânugantam-adhan-kpi rajakam bhûl-cha yina hayamêdha-yajina pripit-ivabhrithamajjanâ babhau [*] Nala-Mauryya-Kadamba-kâla-ratriḥ (tri)s=tanayas-tasya babhûma (va) Kirttivarmmâ para-dâra-nivṛitta-chitta-vritter-api dhir-yasya ripu-śri["]y-knukrisht || Rapa-parikkra (kra)ma-labdha-jaya-áriyk sapadi yêna viragua(gpa)maishataḥ nripati-gandha-gajêna mah-aujasâ prithu-Kadamba-kadamba-kadambakam1 [*] Tasmin-Surêsvara-vibhûti-gat-âbhilashê raj-ábhavat-tad-anujali-kila Mangali(li)śaḥ yah-parvva-palchima-aamudra-tat-dshit-déva(ávab) Two letters are illegible here. Two letters are illegible here. With this instance of the substitution of the guttural nasal n for the Anusvåra, compare sagôtrânân-Hariti, in the Badami Cave-inscription, Pl. XXXII. of the First Report, 1.1; trinsan, in No. XXI. of my inscriptions in this Journal, Vol. VI., p. 24, L. 8; Sinha, in id. No. XXV., Vol. VI, p. 30, 1. 8; vansa, in id., No. XLI., Vol. VII., p. 164, 11. 12 and 20; vinsati, in id., No. LII., 1. 10, p. 44 above; vansa, in id., No. LIII., IL. 14 and 22, p. 46 above; and vansa, 1. 3, vin satimam, 1. 18, and dvd-tritrijnsani, 1. 19, of a (P) Chalukya grant at Jo. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc., Vol. X. p. 348. sena-rajah-pata-viziramita-dig vitânaḥ [] Sphuran-mayûkhair-asi-dipika-sataiḥ [] vyudasya Matanga-tamisen-salchayam sviptavin-yo rapa-ranga-mandir Ka(ke)tachchuri śri-lalanâ-parigrahâm || Punar-api cha jighrikshôs-sainyam-âkkrâ (krâ)nta-salam ruchira-bahu-patakam Rêvati-dvîpam-âśu sapadi mahad-udanvat-toya-samkkrâ (krâ)ntabimbam Vara (ru)na-balam-iv-âbhûd-âgatam yasya vâchâ| Tasy-âgrajasya tanayê Nahush-ânubhagê(vê) Lakshmyâ kil-âbhi [] lashite Pulikêsi-nâmni såsûyam-âtmani bhavantam-atah-pitrivyam jñâtv-âparuddha-charitavyavasaya-buddhau [*] Sa yad-upachita-mantr-ôtsâha-sakti-prayoga-kshapita-balaviśêsho Mangali(li) sas-samantât sva-tanaya-gata-râjy-ârambha-yatnêna sârddham nijam atanu cha rajyañ-jivitañ-ch-ôjjhati sma | Tâvat-tach-chhatra-bhangê jagad= akhilam-arâty-andhakâr-ôparuddham This second ra is superfluous. 10 This letter, ya, was at first omitted, and then inserted above the line. 11 The original has chitte in the line, and vṛitta inserted below it, for ttavri, which is the proper order of the omitted syllables. 12 The Visarga was commenced here, but was a mistake. The lower part of it is covered by the m; the upper part remains uncancelled. 13 It is doubtful whether the first syllable is ka or ke; the second is distinctly ta. In all probability the Kalachurie are referred to; and Katachchuri' may be a mistake of the engraver for Kalachchuri,' or it may be a varying form of the name. In some other instances I have found Kalachuri' spelt Kalachchuri,' and also 'Kachchuri,' for metrical reasons, which would apply here; but in prose passages it is always Kalachuri, or Kalachurya'.


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