OCTOBER, 1879.)
of the Vizagapatam hills, and apparently by the The field of Pallavamalla's third foreign Chenchu vandlu of the Karnul, Nelar, war was in the south; and, in the course of it, and Krishņa districts. (See Wilson's Mack. MSS. Udaychandra took and razed the fort of Introd. p. lxi; Joum. Mad. Lit. &. Sc. Soc. vol. Kápidurga, and defeated the army of the XV. pp. 181, 182, Mr. Carmichael's Manual of king of Pând ya in the field. If Kaļidurga the Vizag. Distr. p. 86; and Gen. Cunningham's is merely the Sanskrit form of the equivalent Anc. Geog. pp. 506, 509.)
Tamil and Malayalam names, Kaļikottai and The name U day ana may be either the pro- Kalikotta, this place is Calicut on the western per name of their king; or it may be like some coast. Of Kalidurga it is here said that it of the other names of this grant, an eponym |" was under the protection of the goddess Kaļi," expressive of his habit as a mountain chief; forand, similarly, in the Keralolpatti, Parasuthe word means an ascender. He was appar- rà ma is said to have selected the goddess ently a personage of no great importance : for Durga (Kaļi) to be the guardian divinity when he was taken prisoner by Udaya- of the sea-shore of Kerala upon which Calicut chandra, he was contemptuously set at liberty is sitnated. From the connection of the senagain; his barbarous . war-standard made of tence it seems that KÅlidurga at this time peacocks' feathers and mirrors, being the only belonged to the king of Pân d y a, whose army, trophy which his conqueror thought worthy of perhaps sent to the relief of Calicut, was debeing carried into the presence of Pallava- feated by U dayachandra. But for what malla.
reason was Calicut obnoxious to the Palla vas? The war with Prithivivy a ghra was a Had this commercial emporium of the western more formidable affair. This prince had grown coast interfered in any way with the interests powerful, seemingly by conquests in Northern of these grand old lords of the commerce of the India : and he was now challenging to himself eastern coast? It is singular that the Cholas the right of universal sovereignty by means of are not mentioned in this inscription, nor the an Aévamedha sacrifice. He had advanced kings of Kongu, the two next neighbours of the into the Dakhan, at the head of an army which Palla vas to the south and south-west, down included elephants, in the track of the horse to the 9th centary A.D., through whose territory destined for that sacrifice; and Uda ya chan- Udayachandra must necessarily pass on dra followed him up through territory beyond his route to Calicut. The reason of this may be the limits of his own sovereign's dominions, that the lowland portions of the old Kongu captured him in the kingdom of Vishņ a. kingdom had by this time been annexed to the rája, and sent him prisoner to Pallava- Chôļa and Pandya dominions, and that the malla, together with much rich spoil. The Chô la power was now temporarily united to name here given to the captured king is pro- that of Pandya, as it sometimes was during bably only a title, "The tiger of the earth." the alternating supremacy of the Cholas His country was that of Nala, the husband of and Pandyas about this period of their Damayan tì; and it was situated on the slopes history. of the Vindhyas between Mâlwâ and Kôšala. Ve may now turn to the object of the grant Vishnoraja, in whose territory Pșithivi. and its situation. The two villages of Kumivyaghra was taken prisoner, was possibly ramangalam and Vennatūrakotta one of the Chalu kya kings: and this name, were now united to form this present donation : like the others, was probably a descriptive rather and the name of the donor's victorious general than a proper name. The political geography was given to the united property in commemoof the period supports, and perhaps requires, ration of his triumphs. In the description of this identification: and the fact that Vishņu, the boundaries of this united village it is placed in the boar incarnation, was the kula-devatás of in a general way upon the Kshiranadi, the the Chalu k yas, makes this title specially milk-river,' which is the Sanskrit equivalent of appropriate to them. But how came Udaya- the Tamil name of this river,-the Palar. It is chandra to be pursuing the enemy on foreign also described as lying in the district of the territory? Was he on Chalukya ground as western Aéra yanadi, which is the Sanskrit a friend or a foe?
equivalent of the mixed Tamil-and-Sanskrit