Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 08
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 327
________________ OCTOBER, 1879.) JAGJIVANDÅS THE HINDU REFORMER. 291 Kahata hun kara jora, suniye mora tumahi sund! The works (that have) a superior aim, (like the) w&un, saints have been manifested. Sada råkhâun chitt tuma se kabahun nå bisr&w&un, Hear and obey (with) faith ; whose worship Gyên tumahin dhiyan tumahin tumabin man (Siva's) is hope. auradhaun, The commands of God perform, do worship Satta-rup surrup tumhara sof man men sadhaun. having joined (hands). Agh-binasang karahu jab tum gyån tattang awaf, There will be farour on (thy) servant: thy praise Ho dayalang dâs par tab gyên se gan gåwal, will I sing. Jagjiwan Dasang binai kar kahe saran apni Anahu, The reformer also wrote several tracts, as the Ai gunang anek Karmang met das ke janahu. Jhyán Prakás, Mahd-Pralaya, and Pratham Gran[Translation.) tha: they are in Hindi couplets. The first is I have received the command of God, having dated Samvat 1817 (A D. 1761); the last is in the become (his) servant, I would sing (bis) praise. form of a dialogue between Siva and Parbati. Having known mind (God) to be true, I to his About ten years before his death Jagjivandas feet have brought (my) heart. left Sardaha, and took up his abode at Kotwa, a I am saying with hands) joined, You listen to small village five miles distant. The reputed me (what) I have caused to be heard. cause of his removal was family disputes concernAlways have I kept (my) heart for thee, never ing land. The village of Kotw& was given to the have I forgotten (thee). sect by one of the kings of Oudh a hundred Knowledge (is) thine, reflection (is) thine, thine years ago, and is thus held at present. Here the (is) the mind (in which) I have lived. B&ba died in Samvat 1817 (A.D. 1761); and here The true figure, the good form thou art, that in his successors have lived and died. A large (my) mind have I made pure. shrine was erected in honor of the departed worthy Sin (is) annihilated when to you a knowledge by Rai Nihal Chand in the reign of Agufa'd-daulah of divine truth shall come. (1775—98). Two large fairs are held at Kotwa on Be merciful on (thy) servant, then from know- the last days of Karttika and Vaisakha (April ledge he will sing (thy) praise. and November), and a smaller one on the last day (I), the servant of the Life of the world, having of every month. Certain miraculous cures are worshipped, into his asylum am coming. recorded of Jagjivandås, and the waters of the O, virtue, multiform works having been atoned Abhiram t&lo (tank) near his shrine are for, (I thy) servant am knowing (thee). still believed to retain miraculous healing powers. Doha. The grove at Kotw& contains some fine old Aghbinas hargun kahun, johto upje gy&n tamarind trees. It is infested with monkeys and Jagjiwan Das dhiyan dhar, kare tumb&r bakhân Brahmani bulls; the former are a source of no Iswara Siva se kahata hai, hain sune jo kou little annoyance to the tented sojourner; the chit lie, latter cause a great deal of mischief. The tombs Neg janam ke karma agh, sunata khand hoe jde. of the Baba and his successors in office are situ. Siva sun satt man bås kar, katha karun prakAs, ated in separate enclosures a few hundred yards Sun biswas karihe, jo kare satt mån båb. from each other; they are temples in outward Parmarth karaj kå, santan kin prakas, appearance. Sun pratit jo mâniye, tin ki puji &sh. Jagjivandås had five sons, and the office of IŚwar ágyâ kâriye, minti karon kar jor, mahant (leader or ohief priest) has been confined Ho hu day&l das par, astul gaun tor. to his own family. There are but two members . [Translation.] of the family now living, and as they both are Sin annihilated (of the) virtue of Hari (Sri old and childless, it is probable that on their death Krisbra) will I speak, in his life may knowledge the office will pass to some distant relative. (of him) increase ! As to the habits and customs of the Satnamis Servant of the Life of the world, meditate (on the following brief statements may suffice :him), that (he) your praise may sound. "Meat, masúr (a kind of pulse) and intoxicating God to Siva says, Whoever hears (he) the heart liquors are prohibited, as also is the baingan (ogg. should bring (to hear). plant), at least locally. Smoking, on the contrary, Of the wickedness of works having been born seems to be allowed. Caste distinctions are not (he) hearing may become as sugar. lost on a profession of Satnâmi-ism. On the (You) having heard (him) dwell in a true contrary, its professors seem careful not to intercharacter, this story I will manifest. fere with caste prejudices and family customs. Hear (and) believe; whatever you do (let it be) Fasts are kept, at least to a partial extent, on truth in the character dwelling. Tuesday-the day of Hanuman, and on Sunday, the


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