Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 08
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 319
________________ OCTOBER, 1879.] SANSKĶIT AND OLD-CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 285 coadjutor in deciphering these ancient records, this Journal on words which Mr. V. R. Katti I hope, now that I have returned to India, to be and myself are still unable to explain, or in the able to determine the meaning of words and explanation of which we may be in error,-it passages that would otherwise have remained would be a favour to all who are interested in unintelligible to me. And if Mr. Kittel would elucidating the development of the modern further assist, -by giving separate notes in dialect of the Canarese language. Transcription. [*] Svasti Sri-Vijayaditya-Saty[a]íraya-śrsprithu(thi)vivallabha-mah[A]r[âj-adhira ja-para][] mêsvara-bhatarara(r) trayôdaśa-varshamum mo(mů)ru-timgaļal" kottare - [1*] Åsvayuja-pû[r]ņņami[°] sadu! vishupada! Eltugolagasaniya ittodu půravalagosåsigara maru [*] dharmma-tusavanin-paded=eppattâdu omdu gånaduļeonda sortige tê(tai)lam=åge kott[&]ra(r) bhatârargge [ll*] [°] Ya(?) dattiyân=kidipon=Vâran[á]siyuļ s[A]sirvvar-parvvaru[m] kaviley[u][mâ*]n-ko'nda lökakke sando'n=akkum [ll*] Translation. the temple from the north-east-ofan elaborately Hail! Sr -Vijayâditya-Satyasraya, carved pillar in the inner porch, -and of three -the favourite of the world, the great king, fine and boldly worked sculptured slabs lying the supreme king, the venerable one,- in the at the south-east corner. Mr. Burgess says of it, thirteenth year and the third month of his " as the only known example of its class as a reign) gave (sanction to a grant, which was as structural building, it is, to the Indian antiquary, follows): - one of the most interesting temples in the south On the day of the full-moon of the month) of India." And, on account of the close simiA śva yuja, at the time of the autumnal) equi- larity of the style of the interiors, he places the nox, the gift of Eltu goluga saņi was one date of its construction within a century after that sontige of oil on (each) one oil-mill, wherever it of Badâmi Cave III., which was excavated, or at might be, allotted on account of religion, ... least was finished, in the reign of the Chalu.............'; (this much) he gave to the kya king Manga liśvara, and contains on venerable one. one of its columns an inscription of his dated May he, who injures this grant, be on an Saka 500 (A.D. 578-9). He also considers that equality with people who kill a thousand Brâh. "the temple was neither Jain nor Saiva, but a mans, or (a thousand) tawny-coloured cows, genuine Chalukya temple of Vishnu." I at Våran à bi! would, however, point out that one of the stones No. LVIII. in the base of the temple has on it, as may be The next of the Aibole inscriptions, in chrono- seen in the photograph, Pl. LIV. of the First logical order, is that at the Durga temple. Archoeological Report, the word Sri-Jin-dlayan, This temple is on the north-east outskirts of i.e. the holy temple of Jina', in characters the village, and derives its name from being the which may be somewhat earlier, but which principal shrine of the durga, or 'fort.' It has seem to me to have been cut by the hand of been described by Mr. Fergusson in his History the very same man who engraved the inscription of Indian and Eastern Architecture, pp. 218 of Vijayaditya on a pillar in the porch of et seqq.; and also, more in detail, by Mr. Burgess the temple of Mah åk û tê śvara at Badami." in his First Archeological Report, pp. 40 et On a pillar in the temple is another short seqq., where, in addition to the woodcut-view Old-Canarese inscription, in characters of the of the apse from the south-west originally given eighth or ninth century A. D., of which a facby Mr. Fergusson, there are given three beautiful simile is given in Pl. LV., No. 32, of the First photographs, of the front and north side of Archæological Report. The transcription is :• The upper part of the is effaced here. Tusavanin is probably of the same purport as the : Part of the o is effaced in each instance. Canarese tusuka, on account of; but it may be connected • 8c., 'a ladleful', a derivative from the old form of the with tusa, tusu, little, few, small.' Canarege stu, sautu, a spoon, or ladle.' Para &c., to maru; meaning not known. Eppa gadu is probably connected with the Telugu No. 50 of Pau, Sanskrit, and Old-Canarese, Inscrip. eppattu, 'in what way, in any way.' tions.


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