5157 srita-Kalidasa-Bharavi-kirttih (I) Mala(?)valli-Velmaltikavada-Pachcha(?vva)nûr-Gganga
vůr-Puligere-Gandavagráma(ma) iti asya bhukti(ktih) [ll*] Giri(re)s=tatât=paschimAbhigata(tam) Nimûvårir-yyâva(vat) Mahapathậntapurasya si(si)må uttaratah (tô)
dakshinato [19] 19 ...... ga ... na l* Translation.
he possessed" (the city of) Induk anti, and Victorious is the holy one, Jinend ra; the though he was the favourite of the goddess of whole world is, as it were, an island in the fortune, became the bridegroom of the bride centre of the sea which is the knowledge of him, which was the city of Vât apipur 1. Even who was born from .........! now no kings upon the earth can imitate his
After that, victorious for a long time is the practice of the three pursuits of life"; and th mighty ocean of the Chalukya family, which earth became radiant in being endowed by him, is immeasurable, and which is the origin of who celebrated horse-sacrifices, with the purifijewels of men, who are the ornaments of the catory ablutions that are performed after sacridiadem of the earth!
fices. Victorious for a very long time is Satya- His son was Kirttivarma, the night of ś ra y a*, who adheres to his promises even death to the Na!as and the Mauryas and though they are not actually enforced by pre- the Kadambas; though he withheld his cept, bestowing charity and honour upon the thoughts from the wives of other men, yet his brave and the learned at the same time and at mind was attracted by the goddess of the the same place.
fortunes of his enemies. Straightway the Many members of that race, desirous of con- Kadamba-tree, which was the confederacy of quest, whose title of favourite of the world the mighty Kadambas, was broken to enjoyed for a long time the condition of being a pieces by him, the mighty one, a very choice title the meaning of which was obvious and elephant of a king, who had acquired the goddess suitable, having passed away :
of victory by his prowess in war. When he There was the famous king Jayasimha- had concentrated his desires on the dominion valla bha of the Chalu ky a lineage, who, of powerand dignity of the lord of the gods :with his bravery, won for himself the goddess His younger brother Mangal'i ba-whose of fortune, fickle though she is, in warfare in horses were picketed on the shores of the oceans which the bewildered horses and foot-soldiers of the east and the west, and who covered all and elephants were felled by the blows of many the points of the compass with a canopy through hundreds of weapons, and in which there flashed the dust of his armies,-became king. Having thousands of the rays of the rhinoceros-hide with hundreds of scintillating torches, which armour" of dancing and fear-inspiring headless were swords, dispelled the darkness, which was trunks.
the race of the Matangas,-in the bridal His son was he who bore the name of pavilion of the field of battle he obtained as his Raņa råga, of god-like dignity, the sole lord wife the lovely woman who was the goddess of of the world; verily, through the excellence the fortunes of the Katachchurie." And of his body, mankind recognised, even while he again, when he wished quickly to capture the was asleep, that he was of more than human islınd of) Rêvatid vipa, straightway his essence.
mighty army-which abounded in splendid His son was Polekê śi, who, even though banners, and which had beset the ramparts,
11 The characters here differ somewhat from those of the body of the inscription, as if this part was added later, or by a different hand.
15 One letter is illegible here, or perhaps two. 19 One letter is illegible here.
20 Palika II.; first mentioned under his proper name in 1. 7 of the text. According to a frequent custom, he being the reigning monarch at the time of this inscription, his game is given here before the introduction of his genealogy
* Khadga, belonging to a rhinoceros' (khadga), e.g. armour made of rhinoceros-hide. The reading, however, may be a mistake for khadga, 'sword.'
* Srita, 'gone to, approached, obtained, possessed.'
23 Ayasit varatam; lit., went to, or arrived at the condition of being the bridegroom. From this expression it is to be inferred that it waa Polekést, or Pulikest I., who first made V At.&pipuri the capital of the family, and that he came from a previously held capital named Indokanti, which is probably to be looked for somewhere in the north.
** The trivarga is twofold ;-1, the three pursuits of life, vis, religion, pleasure, and wealth ; and 2, the three conditions of a king or kingdom, vie., progress, remaining stationary, and decline.
* i.e., 'when he died. * See note 13 above,
36 Indra.