[AUGUST, 1879.
princes of the royal family which is the lustre Hail! [We] king Abhaya Siri Sang of this Island.' Boy in the 9th year of Cour] reign on the 10th On the same road about two miles from Ranne day of Himanta (November) order that the former there is a wihara called Wigamu wa conpriests shall be removed from the Chaity&- taining two ancient rock inscriptions, of which giri wihara, that roads and high-roads (shall photographs were taken by me. Both of them be made)........................ that travellers and seem to be hopelessly defaced. In much better pilgrims shall not enter, that the officers of the preservation I found an inscription at W& diroyal family shall not enter, that palmyras and gala, one mile and a half from Ranne on the cocoanuts and ferns and tamarinds shall not road to Tangalla, although it is like the others flat be cut, and, if cat, they shall be given to the on the rock. The following is the transcript:owners, that the priest from the mountain and Hamaraketahi pahanakubare me weherahi saga the priest from the temple if judging half a asati. kalanda not sufficient as wages for the [main- In the plain of Hamara(?) the.........paddy. tenance of the high road, shall take the rest field [is given to the priesthood in this from the temple and unto that from the taxes wihara.' of the royal family () ........................good Asati is, according to Dr. Goldschmidt's prosperity!'
explanation, a subjunctive of the root as "to be," The Chait yagiri wihara is the same later changed into ist, which occurs frequently mentioned in the long inscription of Mahindo in inscriptions of the 10th and 11th centuries III. at Ambasthala, Mihintale, of which and later still into nied by a mistake of the the beginning has been published in Gold- pandits, who thought it to be derived from the schmidt's Report (1. A. u. 8. p. 325). There, Pâli nissáya. however, it is called Seygiri according to the There are two more partly-effaced inscriptendency noticeable in this inscription to spell tions on the same rock and two at Kahandathe words after the old fashion. Mangdiwagala, in the jungle half a mile off the high and piyadiwa must be according to the context the same as manggiya and piyagiya in the | In proceeding further towards the east we inscription at Mahakalattaewa C., and diwa find two inscriptions of King Nissanka therefore be derived from dhaw 'to run' of. Malla, of which one, a pillar from Kaeli. Sidd. Sang. I., 41. The expression also occurs gatta, has been removed to the Colombo in the inscription of Komgollaewa (Colombo Museum. The other one is at Wandar pa Museum), where we find pe instead of piya = wihåre, on the border of the Walawe river pada: m [ang] diro pediw rad kol samadaru- one mile and a half from the Ambalantota wan, wrongly translated by Goldschmidt: The resthouse. The following is the transcript :
.............. Kalinga chakrawarttin wahanse raja............ . siri paemiņi dewana hawurddehi patan Lamk&wa sis&rá gam niyam ga$ [m] adi wa no ek prasiddha sthåna hi jala durgga pamka durgga wanadurgg • Samanola Adiw giridurgga at ambulu pakak sê balê wadara dasa digantarayehi • tan rajayehi no ek satra namwk aneka yachakayanţa ran walan ridt walan din ...... honda nada!i wadåra bisowarun wahansê aetaļu wa pas dena wahansê tulábhara naengi
hawurudu pata pas tuld bharayak baegin di dukpatun suwapat kotae suwapatun............ 8 kotae tun rajayehi noek be............ ya namwå tun nak samanga kotae tawa da sa.........ya
kotae liyawe sa ..... antahpurastrin Ruwanmaeli wahasae wahansê d& wandana karan kaemae 10 ta baegae kiyaê ga[n]it ne sêmae raja darukenakan kaeraewd yê wehe dayi wadára 11 ananta wasa daewiya ......... dura kotae mehe karuwan Ananda karawa Pihitirajayaţa pi 1 yumak sê wa Ruwanmaeli dahagab wahangê karawå antahparastrin de wandawe pe18 ra ...... aya genge dustha kala Lamkawasînga ran waļan ridi walan Adf wa boho saepa*t dew& wadárd uttê am[u]nakata aya kamuņu tun paêlak ha mandaran sakak ha 15 maendê amanakata ekamanu depåelak ha mandaran hatara aka há paessê amunakata 16 ......... ekamuņu ......... hå [manda) ran tunaka baegin aya gannå niy¥wyawastha kota wadárd