JULY, 1879.]
to Sir Walter Elliot, his reign terminated in Sômavára sóna-grahanain kudi banda punyaŚaka 1049. But, on examining the inscriptions tithi[yo!]; i.e., Saka 1053.91–39, A stone-tablet of his son and successor Sô mês vara III., or in the garden-land of Kalappa Kuļkarņi at Hire. Bhûlokamalla, I find that the latter un Kerár in the Kôd Tálukâ ; MS. Coll., I., 706. doubtedly came to the throne in Saka 1048, The preamble refers itself to the reign of the Parâ bhava saivatsara. Whether Vi-BhQ10 ka malla. The date is Sri-Chá. Vi.. kramaditya VI. died in Saka 1048, kálada 56neya Virôdhikrit-sarivatsarada uttaor whether he lived and reigned conjointly rüyana-sankramana-vyatipátar kildid-andu; with Sômês vara III. for a few years longer, .., again, Saka 1053.-40, A stone-tablet lying as would seem possible from No. 40 below on the road at Kya sanûr in the Hângal Taluka; if the MS. collection is correct, -I am unable MS. Coll., I., 636. The preamble, for some to say. But, the Bankåpür inscription, which reason or other, refers itself to the reign of I have noticed at Vol. IV., p. 203, shows Tribhu vana malla. The date is Sri.that, in Saka 977, he was old enough to be Cha.-Vi.-sakh (ka) 57neya Paridhávi-sarivatsaentrusted with the subordinate government of rada Chaitra-Suddha 5 Brihaspativárad-amdu; two large provinces before his actual accession i. e. Saka 1054.-41, An inscribed pillar in to the throne twenty years later. By Saka the temple of the god i śvara near the Brah1048, therefore, he must have been at least maņical Cave at Aiholo in the Hungand Taluka ; eighty years of age, and accordingly the pro- MS. Coll., I., 640, and my own transcription from bability is that, as his son succeeded in that the original. It does not refer itself to any year, his death occurred then also. I give particular reign. The date, I. 1, is Sri.-Chaall the instances I can find of the endurance Vi.-vurshada 6 lneya Nala-sarivatsarada of his era after the termination of his reign; they Srávana-su(su)ddhr 12 Su(su) kravára sankraare not many; but, whatever doubt may attend mana-vyatîpatadalu; i. e. Saka 1057.9°–42, A the rest, Nos. 42 and 43 amply suffice to prove the stone-tablet at the temple of the god Sa mfact.-37, A stone-tablet at the temple of the god games vara at Samgam in the Hungund Râmas vámi at Hire-Muddanûr in the Sörå - Taloka; MS. Coll., II., 455, and my own pûr or Surâpûr Ilâkhâ; MS. Coll., I., 700. The transcription from the original. It does not preamble of the inscription refers itself to the refer itself to any particular reign, The date, reign of B h û lô ka malla. The date is Sri. 1. I, is Sri.-Chá!(!u)lya-Vi.-varishada 84neya Cha.-Vi.-kalada 54neya Saumya-sarvatsarada Pra[mádi-suvatsa]rada Karttika-buddha 5 Pushya-suddha 12 Sómavárad-and-uttardyana- Adityavárad-ardu; i. e. Saka 1081.0-And, sarikramanı-paruva-nimittam; i.e., Saka 1051." finally, 43, No. VI. of my Sinda inscriptions,
-38, A stone-tablet at the temple of the god noticed at Vol. V., p. 175. It does not refer Râmê svara at Håvanigi in the Hângal itself to any particular reign ; but it belongs to Taluka; MS. Coll., I., 703. The preamble the time of Tailapa III., or Trailoky arefers itself to the reign of Bhalo ka malla. malla. The date, 1. 23, is Srímach-ChalukyaThe date is Sri.-Cha.-Vi.-kálada 56neya (Vikramavarshada] 94neya VirodhisarvatsaVirðdhikerit-savivatsarada Bhadrapada purname rada"........... ......; i.e. Saka 1091.**
36 Sake 1051, the Saumya sariz vatsara, commenced on Sunday, the second day of the bright fortnight of Chaitra; corresponding to Sunday, the 24th March, A.D. 1129.-ED.
97 Saka 1053, the Virdhikrit samvatsara, commenced on Tuesday, the eighth day of the dark fortnight of Chaitra; corresponding to Tuesday, the 24th March, A. D. 1131.- ED.
35 Saka 1054, the Paridh&vi samvatsara, commenced on Thursday, the sixth day of the bright fortnight of Chaitra ; corresponding to Thursday, the 24th March, A.D. 1132.ED.
» Saka 1057, the Nala samvatsara, commenced on
Sunday, the seventh day of the bright fortnight of Chaitra; corresponding to Sunday, the 34th March, A. D. 1135.-ED.
o Saka 1081, the Pram&di sarvaterra, commenced on Wednesday, the fourth day of the bright fortnight of Chaitra ; corresponding to Wednesday, the 25th March A. D. 1159.-ED.
" The remaining details of the date are effaced and quite illegible.
*Saka 1091, the Virôdhi salvatsara, commenced on Monday, the sixth day of the dark fortnight of Chaitra; corresponding to Monday, the 24th March, A. D. 1109.-ED.