Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 08
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 241
________________ August. 1879.7 THE BHADRACHELLAM AND BEKAPALLI TALUQ.A.S. 215 junction of the villages of) Orekôdu and (again, the village of) Perol'be, where it Komaramangala and Ugurevadi. joins the tank in the village of) Mutteri; and - On the south, looking towards the west, there the hill of the red soil; and a heap of stones is the stream called (?) Gurdada-pal!a"; and standing in the middle of three heaps of stones; the village of) Mutteri; and (the village of) and the tank called Chonta-ta taka; and a (?) Handiva di; and (the village of) (?) fig-tree; and the ..... 10 of the black stones ; Nirumgal; and, having crossed the north- and the ........" of the eastern highest ern highest part of the village of) Aya - part of the village of Mudugere; and the gere, the ......." of the white stones, junction of the villages of) Orekod u and where it joins the bank of the stream called Hådarivàgil and Kuppe; and (thence) Chañ cha ri-valla; and the natural rock looking towards the south, a fig-tree; and (the of the northern highest part of the village of) | village of) Mola padi; and a fig-tree; and (the Anava mgere; and the junction of the vil- village of) Pulpadi, where it joins the hill lages of) Orekô du and Ugurevadi and called Kadisige-moradi ; and (the village of)BhaHânar a.-On the west, looking towards the gavatigal; and (in this way) the land unites north-west, there is the ...." of the white again (at the point from which the boundaries stones; and the village of) Perol be; and started) to the east and behind the hill of the (the village of) Erepadi; and (the village of) honne-tree. Perolbe; and (the village of) Kadave. The witness of this is ......... of gundi; and, (thence) looking towards the Torenâ du, the general manager (?) of the north, (the village of) Porolbe; and a natural family of the Ganga kings. The country witrock; and a fig-tree; and, keeping the stream ness is Perbakka viņamaruga reyacalled Chai chari-valla on the right hand, Nirgunda, of the district of Sandrikaand looking towards the north-west, a tamarind gañije. tree; and the southern highest point of the He is born as a worm in ordure for the duration village of) (P) Kokkamgere; and the junction of sixty-thousand years, who confiscates land that of (the villages of) Orekôdu and Han- has been given, whether by himself, or by another! cheya and Huttur.-On the north, look- This charter has been written by the chiing towards the east, there is a fig-tree on the trakrVis vakarmách â ry a, who measured south bank of the stream called Chaichari. out tanks and tawny-coloured cows and all the valla; and (the village of) Perolbe; andlingas of Varanasi. THE BHADRACHELLAM AND REKAPALLI TALUQAS. BY Rev. JOHN CAEN, DUMMAGUDEM. (Continued from p. 36.) CASTES. ed as the most venerable of the Brahmans, and Many of the castes which are mentioned be- are looked up to as the chief spiritual preceptors low are to be found in other parts of the Telugu- by nearly all the Hindus here who are Vaishnavas. speaking districts of the Madras Presidency, 2. Vaikhân&sulu. These are the pujaris and have been noticed in other books, so I shall in the different Vaishnava temples here, and are only mention special points of interest which I not esteemed as the most holy and moral of men. have not yet come across in any articles on the 3. Vaidika Brahmanulu. These are castes of S. India. The list on p. 500 of the chiefly purðhitalu, but many of them also engage Central Provinces Gazetteer is inaccurate and in cultivation and trade. most defective, and seems to have been drawn 4. Niyôgalu-Secular Brahmans, said up by some one unacquainted with Telugu. by some Brahmans to be descended from a I. Bråbmans. Brahman father and a Vaisya mother. 1. SriVaishnuvulu. These are regard 5. V y Aparulu-Secular Brahmans. » See note 8, above. 18 Sarade; meaning not known. 1. This seems to be the meaning of pashana-prakriti; but it is rather doubtful what is intended. 10 Sarade. » Pullatti; meaning not Imown. * Chitraka, lit.'s painter'; but the Ohitrakas combine other arts with their profession of painting.


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