JUNE, 1879.]
mud Ghaznavi to attack Pâtan, but Mahmud "I will not leave this spot until I die, unless never visited him as he lay on his death-bed. you tell me to go and be victorious." The On the third day after the Haji's death, the Haji thus answered him from his grave :-"O Padshah made a general attack, and surround- King! I sent for you, and you were wrong to ing the army of the Raja, drove them from forget me, but God has now granted yon the their position by the tank, and the Rajâ fled. victory. Trust in my word, and go forth on 9,000 Muhammadans and 16,000 of the Raja's Friday, and conquer the fort." troops fell in this battle, and the Sultan The Sultan then said :-"I am your servant, advanced to the Mota Talâo, while the Raja and all my army are yours and not mine. entered the fort. A sharp fire was now kept I have sinned, and am now helpless, but now up on both sides. The Sultan now remembered bless us in such a manner that our sorrow may the Haji, and desired to see and confer with be removed from our hearts." The Haji then him, but was told that he had died three days gave the following instructions, and said :previously. On hearing this he was much "On Thursday there will be a storm of wind grieved, as he had not met him, and he now and rain which will overthrow all your tents. wept, and said :-" It was on his invitation Seek out at this time two friends in your that I brought this great army and went to all army to command your van. You shall know this expense, and yet now I have never met them by these signs, that their tents shall him." He sorrowed so much that for three stand when all the others fall, and you will find days he would not touch food. For when the them reading the Kurán by lamplight. Their Sultan set out, he said in his pride, that he names are Jáfar and Muzafar, and througir would destroy the infidelity of Patan, and that them shall you gain the victory. Attack then he would not suffer the idol worship of the on Friday, and the Râjâ shall not be able to Brahmans to pass unpunished, and that he withstand you. Now go and rest, and act as I would crush the heads of such as refused to have told you, Strike up joyful music and disaccept Islâm, and that after doing this he would tribute sweetmeats. Give up all sorrow, and go and visit the Haji.
be glad in your hearts." The Sultan then He now redoubled his efforts against Patan, returned joyfully to his army, and after distribut without avail; twelve years elapsed, and buting sweetmeats sounded his drums by the mango stones planted by the soldiers had way of rejoicing. When Thursday came grown into trees, and borne fruit, and the tent there arose a great storm of wind, which pegs had grown into Thûr bushes, but still blew down all the tents except those of Jafar victory had not as yet crowned his arros, which and Muzafar, whom the Sultan found reading sorely grieved the Padshah. All this time the Kurán by lamplight. They at once stood fresh reinforcements poured into Patan, which in front of their tents, and joyfully saluted was fall both of stores and provisions. The the king. Then the two brethren said to the Padshah now consulted his Vazirs, saying: - Sultan :-"Why have you thus honoured us? “How much longer shall we stay here fighting, order now what you wish. Why have you and when shall we conquer this Prabhas Patan? come hither instead of sending for us?” The Half of our lives have been spent here, and Sultan replied that he had come at the order though it would be shameful now to retreat, of the Haji, and that victory would be obtainwe shall finally have to die fighting here." ed through them. Then he directed them to
The Vazirs said :-"O King! you were puffed mount their elephants and lie in ambush, and up and arrogant, and would not go and first afterwards make a sudden attack upon the see the Haji. Go now and seek counsel from enemy. The brothers replied :-“ May God give him, and then unfold the green banner.” you the victory, we are ready to engage when
Agreeably to this advice the Sultan went on ever you give the signal." foot with all his ministers to the Hâji's tomb, | The Sultan then adopted this artifice. After and fasted there, taking no other sustenance placing the brothers in ambush, he struck his except dates, and humbling himself, he said :- I tents and withdrew his army, and encamped
Both these names come from the roots
and mean victorious.