Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 08
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 195
________________ JUNE, 1879.] GRANT OF THE PALLAVA KING NANDI VARMÅ. 171 they in the pedigree as to suggest at first sight II. The grandfather ;-. that the succession of princes in our prosent 1. In the present grant ; grant is the same as in Mr. Fleet's No. XII. i. abhyarchitashaktisiddhisampannasya ; There are, however, two apparent difficulties in i. pratâpå vanatarajamandalasya; the way of the complete identification; the first iii. vasudhậtalaikavirasya ; of which is, that it requires both Nandi iv. Maharaja ; Sri Simha Varmaņah : Varma and his grandfather Sinha Varma 2. In Mr. Fleet's No. XII.; to have been known by two different names ; j. archchitaśaktisiddhisampannasya ; for Sinha Varma I. of the Elliot grants had i. pratâtopanatarajamandalasya ; Vira Varmâ for his grandfather. The ii. Mahârâjasya; father and the great-grandfather of the donor iv. vasudhâtalaikavirasya ; Sri Vira Varhave the same names in both of these grants. manah : This difficulty is, in reality, not a great one; III. The father ;for it was a common enough circumstance for 1. In the present grant; old Indian kings to bear different names and i. devad vijaguruvșiddhopacháyinovriddha vithere is less than the ordinary amount of diffi. neyasya ; culty in this particular instance, since this ii. sugohiranyâdipradanaih pravriddhadha name of " Vira," "the champion," may well rmasanchayasya ; have been a mere title, of which there are ex- iii. prajâpâlanadakshasya ; amples in other old dynasties also; and more iv. satyâtmano; particularly so as regards this present prince, v. Mahârâja ; Śrî Skanda Varmaņah : since this title of “ Vira" is found in the 2. In Mr. Fleet's No. XII. ;description of Sinha Varm in the words | i. devadvijaguravșiddhopachâyinovivsiddhavasudhátalaika Virasya, which same words vinayasya; occur also in the description of Vira Varma ü. anekagohiranyabhůmyâdipradanaih prain Mr. Fleet's No. XII., and the equivalent vriddhadharmasanchayasya ; words, prithivitalaika Virasya, in his No. XV. iii. prajâ pålanadakshasya; To this may be added the circumstance that the iv. lokapálânâmpaņchamasya ; common practice, even at the present day, is to 7. lokapalasya; vi. satyâtmano; give the grandfather's name to the grandson ; vii. Mahâtmano; a practice founded upon Sûtra authority and viii. Maharajasya ; Sri Skanda Varmanah : since our present grantor's grandfather bore IV. The grantor, the name of Simha Varmá, it is almost certain 1. In the present grunt:- . that he himself bore it also. At any rate this i. bhagavadbhaktisamranjanaparipälanonyadifficulty, thus modified, seems to me to be yopagatasatatasatravratadikshita; much less than to account in any other way ii. naikasamarasa hasávamarddalabdhavijayafor the almost verbally identical description of prakábana ; the succession of four several kings in these iii. kaliyugadoşhâvasanna dharmoddhara two inscriptions. These descriptions are as manityasannaddho; follows: iv. bhagavatpádánuddbyâto; I. The great-grandfather ; v. Bappa Bhattarakapadabhakta; 1. In the present grant; vi. paramabhagavato; i. paramabrahmanyasya ; vii. Bhâradvajasagotra; ii. sva bâhubalorjenárjjitavidhivihita sarva- viii. Pallavânâm Dharmamahârâja; Sri Nandi maryâ dasya; maradesys Varma: iii. Rájnah ; Śri Skanda Varmanah : 2. In Mr. Fleat's No. XII.; 2. In Mr. Fleet's No. XII. ; i. bhagavadbhaktisad bhậvasambhävitasarva. i. paramabrahmanyasya ; kalyanasya; ii. svabâhubalârjitorjitakshatrataponidheb ii. prajâsamranjanaparipálanód yogasatatasaVihitasarvamaryâdasya; travratadikshitasya; iii. sthitisthitasya; iv. amitâtmano; iii. anekasamaraskhaskvamardalabdha vijayayav. Mahirajasya; Sri Skanda Varmanah: sahprakåsasya;


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