[MAY, 1879.
It is thus seen that the date is given in the Sakame at p. 10 above. The passage containing era only, first in words, and then in figures, and the date runs:-Saka-nripa-kál átita-saivatsarathat the word Savat here means simply of satéshu navasu shat-chatvárisad-adhikeshw= years (of the Saka era).' What the word follow- anikataḥ sarvat 946 Raktákshi-samvatsar-anitaring the figures means, I cannot say ; unless it is ggata-Vaisakha-paurn noz másyám= Aditya-váré. some old Prakrit form from the same root as | 3, The Sila hâra grant of Chhitta râja, the Marathî verb põhamchanen, to arrive,' and published by Dr. Bühler at Ind. Ant, vol. V., is used in place of the vartamdne, being cor- p. 276; No. 3 of Mr. Wathen's inscriptions, at rent,' of other inscriptions. The Sastri reads Jour. R. As. Soc., 0. S., vol. II. p. 383, and põharikáyáin, and translates "In the Saka year vol. IV., p. 109. The passage containing the 675, corresponding to Samvat 811, on the seventh date, 11. 32 to 35, runs:-Sa(sa)ka-noripa-kál. of Magha, called Ratha-saptami." The third atita-sarivatsara-sa(sa)téshu navasu ashtasyllable, however, is certainly chchhi, not ri. I chatvárishsad-adhikeshu Kshava-mavatxarantar.
The following are a few other instances in ggata-Karttika-su (su)ddha-panchadasyarn (Gyárin) which the word Sahvat is used in precisely the yutr=unkatô=pi sahvat 948 Karttika-su(su)ddha same way, and means simply of years of the 15 Ravau samjátó(të) aditya-grahana-paruvani. Saka era).-1, A Râshtrak û ta grant of And in one instance,-a Rashtra kû ta Kakkala-A môghavarsha; No. 1 of Mr. grant of Govinda-Suvarna varsha, pubWathen's Inscriptions, at Jour. R. As. Soc., lished by Major-General Sir G. Le Grand Jacob 0. S., vol. II., p. 379, and vol. III, p. 94. at Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc., vol. IV., p. 97,Two of the original plates are now before we have, instead of the abbreviation Samvat, the me. The passage containing the date, 11. 47 to full word samvatsaránám, which it represents. 49, runs : -Saka-nripa-kál-dtita-samvatsara- I have the original plates now before me. The satéshwashtasu chatur-nna(nna)vaty-adhikeshur passage containing the date, 1. 44 to 46, anlatah samvat* 894 Angird-samvatsar- runs:-Saka-nripa-kál-atta-samvatsara-sateshu antarggata A (sc.t-A)svayuja-paurnnamdsydyári ashtasu parncha-panchasad-adhikeshv=ahkatsapi Vu(bu)dha-dinê sóma-grakana-mahá-parvvani. sahvatsaranáin 855 pravarttımdna-Vijaya2, The Western Châluk ya grant of Ja y a- salavatsar-ámtarggata - Śrávana-paurnnamásyarin simh a-Jagad & kamalla, published by Purevá(rvva)-Bhadrapadá-nakshattré(trê).
M.Bh. v. 1513f. BY JOHN MUIR, LL.D., &c.
The truly brave, however tried,
In all events the test abide, (Continued from p. 87.)
The gloom of woods, the wild beasts' haunt, TRUE PIETY AND RIGHTEOUSNESS AND
Their manly spirits cannot daunt. THEIR FRUITS.
Amid alarms, distress and woe
They ne'er lose heart, no fear they know : M.Bh. xii. 7594 (compare St. Matthew vi.
When swords are swung, or, thick as hail 19f., xix. 21).
The arrows fly, they never quail. With awe sincere the gods adore;
FAITH AND UNBELIEF. All honour to thy tutor show;
M.Bh. iii. 134616,-13463. With gifts enrich the good, and so
Profane, unhappy, doubters miss In heaven enduring treasure store,
Both present joy and future bliss. Thy pious acts perform apart;
Faith is that sign by which the wise A love for goodness scorn to feign;
A man's redemption recognize. And never, as a means of gain,
All baseless, fruitless, reasonings leave; Parade it with self-seeking art.
With faith to holy scripture cleave. . Mr. Wathen omits the word samvat in his transcription.
11.e. tho Sruti and the Smriti.