MARCH, 1879.]
-ugu, S
49. nad, middle.-L. med-, S. madhya, A.S.midd, 85. nin-u, swim.-S. sna, L. no, nâto, Gr. veGr. pe(8)s.
VET, VIB- (Bopp, I. p. 136). 50. pêsu, speak. S. bhâsh.
86. pâl (Ta. K. Tel. Tud.=pa-g-al), Kan. hâl-u, - 51. tir-i, wander.-S. V tar, tark.
1, a portion; 2, milk.-S. bh&j= divide, bhaga, a -umbu, return.
division.-S. på, drink. -uppu, twist.
Tel. pålu-, turn pale.-pale, L. pallidus.
87. pir-ai --1, live; 2, fault; 3, escape. ---Gr. Bu-os 52. mayir, hair; misai, moustache.-S. sma | L; vit-a, vito. śru.
| 88. maru, marriage.-marry. 53. gaļi (Kan.) gale.-gale.
89. vangu, bend.-S. vaka, s. bug, E. bow, W. 54. muti (Tel.), manji (Tam. vulgar), face, mouth. bag-u. -mouth, A.S. muth, Goth, munth.
90. varai, limit.-öpos, opos, sors. 55. chekku (Tel.), cheel.--cheek.
91. viļi (Co. arai), hail,call.-hail, L. ap-pell-o. 56. kol, kill.- kill. .
92. vê, roast, bake.-bake. 57. alam, salt.-Gr. Als, L. sal.
93. purul, roll on, as a volume of water.-purl. 58. perru-1, obtain ; 2, bring forth; porra, bear, 94. kadir, ray.-Gael. gath. endure; pêrru, K. her, what is gained, borne.-bear, 95. erudu, Tel. vra, Tam. vari, vorite.-Sax. L. fers, Gr. pep.-S. bhar, bairn.
writ an. 59. in-u, yean.--yean.
96. el, all.-all. 60. vathuvai, a wedding.- A.S.wed, pledge; wed- 97. 0-8-u, blow.-S. vå, vâti, vata, váyu. dian, marry.
90. apu, alarru, weep.--comp. S. asra = tear. 61. payan, boy.--Gr. mais, L. pus-us, pusio, 99 År, river.-ar in L. arar." pusillus.
100. senni, head-Gadhelic, kenn. pasukkal, children.
101. Arra, spring forth-ura, water." 62. palagai, plank.-Gr. dak-, Fr. planche. Attu, fountain. Comp. bole.
102. malai, mountain.-Welsh moel, Gadh. maol. 63. vethir, fear.--fear.
mulai, breast.-mull. 64. tag, tak, fit, right.-Gr. 8.k-.
103. kulam, tribe.-clan. 65. vid, leave.-L. vit-o, avoid.
104. taggu (Comp. 30), declivity.-dyke, ditch. 66. vid-u, house.-L. æd-es, Cornish, bod, A.S.
105. tagu! (Kan.), touch.-L. tang-o. bid-an.-bide, abide.
106. tanaka, until.-L. donec, donicum. (tanai, 67. ney, weave-Gr. verb-, S. nah.
L. dum.] . 68. nak, lick.-Gr. Leyx-, S. lih.
107. karai (Ta.). Comp. arai, aru, Tel. aruchu, Kan. nåkku, tongue.-L. lingua.
kare, alu-call.-Gr. Vyap-, garrire. yipus. cry. 69. vilai, price.-val-ue.
108. manai, house.-man-eo, Gr. v pev, mansion. 70. vila, shine, appear.-L. fulg-, Gr. prey.
The list could be extended almost indefinitely -kku 3 campo
By tracing these roots through the cognate 71. visa, a fair or festival.-feri-æ.
dialects the resemblance-or identity-will ap72. pai, bag.-bag.
pear more striking; but the limits of this paper vayirru, stomach.-balga. 73. padi, foot, bottom.-foot, bott-om.
will not permit this. I may add one or two 74. dwani (Kan.), toni (Tam.), sound.tone.
remarks in conclusion. 75. ir, Tuda ersh, be.-are, er-am, S. Va s.
1. These resemblances appear most fre76. idu, give.-8. dA, L. do.
quently in the more uncultivated dialects. In 77. ir, rand, two.-L. re-, red..
the more refined Tamil they are not seen so 78. ammân, mother's brother.-eame, oheim.
frequently or so clearly as in the Old Kana79. kasu, vulture ; karu-gu, eagle.-D. geir, 8. |
rese. garuda.
2. The identity is most striking in names of 80. kanai, neigh.-neigh.
instruments, places, and acts oonnected with a 81. kanru, calf.-Mana, ganin, gounagh.
simple life. In a future paper I hope to consi82. kur, point.-L. acer, Mana gearr. 83. susalu, v su, curl.-curl.
der derivative words in the Dravidian dialects, 84. nagar, Ta. Tel. creep.-Dan. sniger, Sax.
and to show that the prefixes and suffixes are enfo-an, E. sneak, Oo. snake, S. någa.
* See I. Taylor's Words and Places, p. 144.
• 1. Taylor, u.s. p. 160.