[APRIL, 1879..
a flag with the device of a golden boar, adorn- Thence the southern villages South-east, ed with the glory of all lines of kings, born the rocks in the land of the god Svayambhu, in the auspicious Soma vamsa, the emperor Sri at the common boundary of Kadila và gila, Vira Noņamba, while ruling the kingdom Kara vadi, and Halo ha di; thence west, in Kalyana pura in the enjoyment of peace as far as the Chanchari stream at the comand wisdom, making a victorious expedition to mon boundary of Kara vadi and Haluthe south, having encamped his army at the hå di; thence west, the Na vanita rocks village of Henjara ; in the Saka year 366, the at the joint boundary. Thence the western year Târana, the month Phålguna, the dark villages : -South-west, the Parala tank at fortnight, Thursday, at the time of new-moon: the common boundary of Kara vadi, Man
The chief (or original) Gangav å di kâra, galûr, and Halu hâdi; thence north, as the vaddu byavahári of the Châlukyas, Maro far as the Chanchari at the joint boundary Setti, of the village of Haluhâdi, situated in of Mangalûr and Halu hadi; thence the district of the Kundu-nâd Seventy, within north, the Kadaba kola at the common the Gangavadi Ninety-six Thousand, having boundary of Mangalûr, Hanema vadi, in the battle of Henjara pierced the horse and and Halu hadi; thence north, the group brought down Kilva Raya ;
of mixed rocks at the common boundary of Gave (to that Maro Setti) five manner of Hanema và di and Halu hadi. Thence gifts--an umbrella, a palanquin, an escort, a the northern villages :-North-west, the banyan throne, and with the faults, fines, and divisions, tree and pond at the common boundary of with the eight rights of full possession, (pre- Hanema vâ di, Bellûr, and Haluh â di; sented) with every ceremony the following thence east, as far as the mound at the comland :-4,000 of rice land [? at the rate of 100 mon boundary of Bellûr and Haluh â di; cubits,.....), land of the Múlasthana thence cast, the white pond at the joint god 500 of rice land . . . . , Bhalari land 500 boundary; thence east, as far as the ford at the of rice land, the goldsmith's land 200 ..., common boundary of Bellar and Haluthe carpenter's land 200, the barber's land 100, hadi; thence east, the Kembare hill at the doorkeeper's land 100, the .... land 100. the common boundary of Bellar, Beluh ûr,
The boundaries from the north-east are as and Halu hadi; thence east, the wishingfollows :-The Kembbare stream at the tree at the common boundary of Beluhûr common boundary of Beluh ùr and Halo. and Halu hâdi; thence east it ends at the hadi; thence sonth, the banyan tree at the north-east. common boundary of Beluh ûr and Halu- Witnesses :- Talakadu Hanuvanu. hadi; thence south, the Kshira pond at the
Mangalûr Negavanu. common boundary of Beluhur, Kadila
Bellûr Kachchuvara. và gila, and Haluh adi; thence south, the
Kadilavägila Vasyara. Maduku pond at the joint boundary of Ka- Written by the accomplished Odváchâri. dila vågila and Haluh â di; thence south, Whoso seizes upon a span-breadth of land, or the Chanchari stream at the common boun- so much as a finger's breadth, shall linger in dary; thence south, as far as the Parala hell till the deluge. hill at the common boundary of Kadila v &- Approved, Ari-Ráya-Mastaka-Tala-Prahári gila and Haluh â di.
smiter on the heads of hostile kings'). * II.
Transcript. 1. Svasti śri-Mânavya-sa-gotrânâm Shariti-putrânâm mâtri-ganasamvarddhitânâm Sv&mi-Mahasena-pâdânudhyâtânâm
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