Vol. III, 1997-2002
On the Gāthā....
2. "Die Sage von Rsyaśộnga", Gött. Nachr. Phil.-Hist. Kl. 1897, pp. 87-135. Reprinted in
Philologica Indica (Göttingen, 1940) pp. 1-43. The comparison in question is found on p. 33 of Phil. Ind.
3. Phil. Ind. p. 33, footnote 1. 4. This was how the line read in the text of the Mahabharata then available to Lüders. The
reading of the Critical Edition is pāpācārās tapasas tāny apāpa. The line is printed in the critical edition with a wavy line below the last three words in order to indicate their doubtful
authenticity. 5. As noted in the above footnote the text in the critical edition does not have na paśyet on the
basis of which Lüders emended tassati to passati. 6. That is only by reading asajjanaṁ in place of asajjanam 7. Beobachtungen über die Sprache des buddhistischen Urkanons, Berlin 1954, SS 188-195,
pp. 138-143. One may specially note the use of abl. sg. with nivid- (8194) and bhi- ($195)
with that of tas- (tras-). 8. The norma! Pāli abl. sg. endings are -a, -asma, -ahmä. 9. These are known as hidden "Māgadhisms" (cf. Beob. Budh. Ur. p.7).
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