Vol. III, 1997-2002
pista (pitha) pedestal
mastaka" section crowning gandi
mukhaśälä (güdhamandapa): fore-hall
pābhāga (vedibanbha) lowermost part of båda, usually marked by a set of mouldings
pañcaratha s. v. ratha
pañcayatana: five-shrined temple, having four sub-shrines standing of the four corners. pata (patta) moulding with a square profile
pidhā tier of the superstructure of a bhadra deula
Jaina Temples of....
rekhā deula
temple with a curvilinear superstructure
sāndhāra temple with covered ambulatory around the sanctum
Sukanása gable-shaped pediment/antefix at the Sikhara façade
* tala storey.
(ratha, bhadra): projected central segment of a temple
ratha, ratha-paga segments produced upon the face of a temple by subjecting part of it to one or more projections; tri-, temple having three rathas; pañca-, temple having five rathas
ratnamuda ceiling above garbhamuda
tri-angas. v. anga.
triratha s. v. ratha.
vedi pedestal, platform.
Jain Education International
The author is indebted to Śrī Bimalendu Kumar, a silent but dedicated art historian, with whom he covered most of the sites mentioned in this paper. He is likewise grateful to Śri Arun Ghosh, Śrī Heramba Bhattacharya, and other members of the Lok Sevak Sangha for their help in exploring the Purulia District. Sincere thanks are also due to Śri Bansidhar Biswas for extending all possible help in visiting Harmashra and the neighbouring sites. Śri B. Chattopadhyaya and Sri Suprakash Sen assisted the author in salvaging a photograph of Beglar's time. The Archaeological Survey of India holds the copyright of this photograph published in the present paper as Plate No. I. Editors' note: The Sanskrit terms introduced in parenthesis for Oriya (or Kalingan Sanskrit) terms by us are from Central and Western Indian medieval texts composed in Sanskrit Västysastras).
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