Vol. III, 1997-2002
The << True Vaiṣṇava >>....
most probably a version of the Sudāmā caritra in Old Gujaratî by a Jaina author, edited by M. R. Majmudar, Sudāmā caritra, Baroda 1922, 105-109.
38. Kabira, sākhi 4, 24, Ed. Vaudeville, Kabir, 183.
39. See the pada quoted by K. N. Joshi, "Narasimha Mahetā." Svādhyāya, 330f.
40. It is interesting to note that the Section XXVI of the Dhammapada which bears the title of The [true] Brahmana lists in 41 verses (v.383-423) the qualities of the perfect follower of the Buddha. The description of the [true] Brahman recalls our definition of the true Vaisnava : dispassionate, merciful, pure, free from anger, bereft of ill intention towards anybody, without attachment..., and in the same way as "Vaisnava" does not mean a mere devotee of Visnu but one who observes a high ideal of conduct, likewise "Brahman" does not mean one who is born into the brahmanic caste, but only one who embodies all the virtues of a perfect renouncer. Moreover, the same definition does exist in the Jaina Scriptures: Uttaradhyayana, XXV, 19ff. (ed. Sacred Books of the East, XLV, 138ff.) which describes the [true] Brahman as no more the specialist of rites and sacrifices but as one pure in mind, words, and deeds, without any attachment, a nirgrantha. I thank Mr J. P. Ozier for having brought to my notice these points (J. P. Ozier, "Le jainisme", Un monde de eligions, I. Les traditions de l'Inde, Ed. M. Boisvert, Québec 1997, 95f., and the author's French translation of the Dhammapada to appear in Paris in 1997, 75-81)..
41. See D. Dholakiya, "Vaisnavajana: be bhinna dṛṣṭibinduo", Parab, 31-4, Ahmedabad 1990, 36
Jain Education International
42. The text given here is taken from an oral version collected during a bhajana at Surat (August 18, 1984, Balakṛṣṇa Mandira). It varies slightly from the old edition of Kavi Narmadāśamkara (Dayārāma kṛta Kavyasaṁgraha, Bombay 1887, 299) and from the current edition by Sh. Ch. Raval (Dayārāma-rasasudha, sec. ed., Bombay 1953, 153). See F. Mallison, "Les chants dhola au Gujarat et leur usage pour la dévotion vallabhite", Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, LXXV, Paris 1986, 91-93.
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