Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 35
________________ FEBRUARY, 1915.] SOME ANGLO-INDIAN WORTHIES OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 29 Wee are now at great charges, which we cannot prevent untill that you please to call and examine all the Laskars which belongs now to the Vessell; which will be much better satisfaction to your Worship and Councell of their confirming what Descriptions we have already given about the said Mr. John Smith and his said Ketch; which is the subject of what offers from them, who are his Masters most faithfull Subjects, and your Worships &c. Councells very humble Servants, CLEMENT JORDAN; JOHN BUGDEN; JOHN HART. Dated in Fort St. George the 30th of December 1679." Accordingly, on the 1st January 1680 the witnesses were examined "touching the murder of Mr. Smith"so and on the 5th the Council took into consideration Jordan's claim for reimbursement of expenses. Clement Jordan, John Bugden, and John Hart their Account of Expences on the Good Hope of Mr. John Smith read. 90 "5 January 1679/80. At a Consultation at Fort St. George. This day was read in Consultation an Account of Expences which Clement Jordan, John Bugden and John Hart have signed, and say that they have disbursed on the Ship Good Hope of John Smith murdered, Amounting to Ryalls of Eight 13341: The Councell understands not that John Smith his Estate is lyable to the said extravagant Expence, but on the contrary, that the 1161 Royalls of Eight found in the said Vessell, which they have acknowledged under their hands, ought to have been reserved by them in specie, and the said Vessell to have been sold for the most she would have yielded, and brought to the Credit of John Smith deceased, and by them (in the Vessell belonging to Mr. Edmond Bugden) to have been transported for the Coast or Bay, and there to be surrendered up to the Honble. Company's Factors; but it appears on the contrary, that to avoyd 6 or 7 Months Expence upon Mr. Bugdens Ship, which they sould in Quedah, thay have unwarrantably brought all the charges on Mr. Smith's Vessell; the farther decysion thereof is to be referred to the Agent and Councell's consideration. " Streynsham Master, Agent and Governor of Fort St. George, was then at Masulipatam, and the Council referred the matter of the charge on Smith's estate to him. On the 9th January 1680 they wrote as follows: 91 «The 21st December arived here Clement Jordan, John Bugden and John Hart from Queda in a vessell of Mr. John Smith, on which vessell they seized, being informed that George Johnson and Complices had murthered detto Smith in the said vessell. They acknowledge to have received dollars, or Ryalls 8/8, 11611, which they have spent on the said vessell, and Ryalls of 8/8, 172 more for their owne accomodation to returne to the Coast, having sold Mr. Bugdens vessell, in which they came from the Bay, to excuse him seven months charge. By Consultation it is resolved to leave that business to the Agent and Coun [cells] decission, and to keep in the Honble. Companys Iron chest Atchin gold, oz. 103-06-12, belonging to Mr. Edmund Bugden, till the Agents arivall, we not knowing that the said Bugden hath made satisfaction as to the Honoble. Companys demands." No further information regarding Smith's effects in India appears to be extant, nor has any reference to his tragical end been discovered among the Bengal papers. There must, however, have been some correspondence regarding his estate, for nine years later, at a Court of Committees held on the 11th May 1688, it was ordered92" that Richard Hutchinson Senr. Esq. and Mr. Josia Child be desired to examine the account of John Smith late Factor in the Bay, and to peruse the Companys advises concerning his behaviour and actings while he was in their service and to make report." After this date John Smith's name finally disappears from the Company's records. The depositions of the witnesses are among the records at Madras (See Madras Press List for 1680 No. 890). 90 Mackenzie MSS., Vol. LII., pp. 26-27. 92 Court Minutes, Vol. 35, p. 128. 91 Diaries of Streynsham Master, ed. Temple, II. 389-390.


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