Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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coals into the rain water, Irale (a protection then swung to and fro?. Some people peragainst rain made of the leaves of trees) is form the following rite known as the Dhondil. kept in the rain upside down, the goddess Ho- jagya. They ask a person of the Kaikádi or lika is worshipped, the boughs of the Avali tree Vadar caste to remain naked and break the are conveyed to a place where four roads meet string round his waist. A small image of and stones are heaped over it, and eaves of black earth is made and placed upon his thatched houses are beaten by boys who do not head. The boy then conveys the image from wear clothes, all these being done by the villa- house to house in the village. A woman in gers with view to preventing an excessive each house sprinkles water over the image fall of rain,
while the boy dances saying " Dhondil gajya, The people of the Thána District believe Paus gajya." It is believed that it rains in that distinct deities preside over distinct seasons, the direction in which the water sprinkled e.g., Mars presides over the spring (Vasant), falls. A person who accompanies the boy Venus over summer (Grishma) the moon over gathers corn at every house. A dinner is then autumn (Varsha) Mercu. y over sharat, Saturn prepared, and the people of the caste to which over winter (Hemant and Sluishir). When the boy belongs, partake of it heartily. It is the people are in need of rain they say to the also said that making water in a standing posgod of rain "Let us have plenty of rain to- ture causes the fall of rain,& The god Ramorrow and we will give thee, Oh! God of meshwar at Chaul in the Koláoa district is rain! rice mixed with curd." The same offer is
said to have control over rain. In the temple made to the god of rain even when they do
of this god there is a parjanya-kund (pond) not want it. In order that there should be no
which is opened after performing a sacred
rite, if there be a scarcity of rain. There are scarcity of rain, some people perform the
also other kundas in the temple, viz., Váyurites of Laghu-rudra and Mahf-rudra. The
kund and Agni-kund, but no occasion has yet following measure if adopted is said to cause
arisen to open them. Some people believe rain. The villagers go from house to house
that the god Agni regulates the seasons 10 with boughs of the Limb tree on their heads,
Eaves of thatched houses are cleansed with and water is then poured upon them by the a brush made from the leaves of cocoanut inmates". The fall of rain is supposed to trees in order that a fall of rain should be cease if a person born in the month of Fálgun prevented, 11 extinguishes burning coals in rainwater when The ceremonies of Haritálika, Rishi-Pan
ased. his garments have been removed.
chami, Vata-Sávitri, Vana-Shasthi, MangalaSome stones are supposed to have influence Gouri, Shital-Saptami are to be performed by over rain fall. There is a big stone at Varasai women alone. 13 Similarly, the ceremonies of in the Kolába District on which are drawn Mahálakshmi, Vasubáras, Shivá-mutha, and a certain images. The people believe that it rite on the Makar Sankrant day are performed rains hard if this stone is held straight, and by women exclusively 13
1 School Master, Dábbol, Ratnágiri.
2 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri. 3 School Masters, Agáshi and Arnala, Thána.
4 School Master, Murbad, Thána 5 School Master, Dahánu, Thána.
School Master, Padagbe, Thána, 7 School Master, Nágothana, Kolába
& School Master, Akol, Kolábe 9 School Master, Chaul, Kolába.
19 School Master, Apte, Kolába, u School Master, Khetwadi, A.V.S., Bombay.
12 School Master, Málvan, Ratnagiri. 13 School Master, Málgund, Ratnagiri.