Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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to feed five or more (married) Bráhman pairs. In the Konkan districts there are some perSuch vows are fulfilled after the birth of a sons who practise black art of several kinds child. Some worship the god Satya Náráyan such as Chetak, Járan, Máran and Uchátan. on a grand scale and others propitiate the god Chetak is a kind of evil spirit brought from Shiva by the ceremony of Abhisheka (water the temple of the goddess Italai of the Konsprinkling).1 Some offer nails made of gold kan districts. It is brought for a fixed or or silver to the goddess Shitala after the re- limited period, and an annual tribute is recovery of a child suffering from small pox. quired to be paid to the goddess for the serEyes and other parts of the body made of vices. gold and silver are also occasionally offered in Another kind of black art widely practisfulfilment of vows. People abstain from eating ed in the Konkan districts is known by the certain things till the vows are fulfilled name of Muth márane. In this art the sor
Vows are made in times of difficulties and cerer prepares an image of wheat flour, and sorrow. The person afflicted with sorrow or worships it with flowers, incense, etc. A lemon misfortune prays to his favourite deity and pierced with a number of pins is then placed promises to offer particular things or to per before the image. The sorcerer begins to form special ceremonies, and fulfils his vows pour spoonfuls of water mixed with jagri on when his desired objects are attained. The the face of the image, and repeats certain ceremonies commonly observed for these pur- mantras. Meanwhile, the lemon gradually poses are the special pujás of Satya Náráyan disappears and goes to the person whose and Satya Vinayak. Native Christians make death it is intended to secure. The person their vows to their saints and Mot-Mávali aimed at receives a heavy blow in the chest (Mother Mary) in the taluka of Salsette. and at once falls to the ground vomiting
There is a shrine of the god Shankar at blood. Sometimes he is known to expire Kanakeshwar a village on the sea side two instantaneously. The charmed lemon, after miles from Mitbáv in the Ratnagiri District completing its task returns to the sorcerer, Many years ago it so happenied that a rich. who antiously awaits its return, for it is beMahomedan merchant was carrying his mer- lieved that if the lemon fails to return some chandise in a ship. The ship foundered in a calamity or misfortune is sure to occur to him. storm at a distance of about two or three For this reason the beginner desiring to be miles from Kanakeshwar. When the vessel, initiated into the mystery of this black art has seemed to be on the point of sinking the to make the first trial of his mantras on a merchant despairing of his life and goods, tree or a fowl. made a vow to erect a pice templo for the Females are also initiated into the mysHindu 'shrine of Kanakeshwar if he, his vessell teries of Jádu or black art. Such wa and its cargo were saved. By the grace of
required to go to the burning ground at midGod the vessel weathered the storm and he
night in a naked state, holding in their hands arrived anfely in his country with the merch
hearths containing burning coals. While on andise. In fulfilment of this vow he crected
their way they untie their hair, and then a good temple over the shrine of Shri Shan
begin the recital of their mantras. There kar at Kanakcshwar, which cost him about
they dig out the bones of buried corpses, bring rupees sis thousand. This temple is in good
them home, and preserve them for practiscondition to the present day. Many such vows are made to special deities. When the
ing black art. people get their desired objects they attribute
There is a sect of Hindus known as the success to the favour of the deity invok
Sháktas who. practise the black art. The ed, but when their expectations are not
Sháktas worship their goddess at night, make fulSlled they blame their fate and not the offerings of wine and flesh, and then feast deity.
· School Master, Kbopoli, Kolába. 3 School Master, Bassein, Thána.
2 School Master, Poladpur. Kolába. - School Master, Mitbáv, Ratnagiri,