Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Sneezing at the time of taking food i.e. while appearance, it is believed to be a demon at meals, while sleeping, and while sitting on a reborn. Such a child is supposed to bring
bad luck to the family. The Konkan people praying carpet is considered auspicious, Snee
believe that in former days Rákshasas, or zing with one's face turned towards the north,
malevolent demons, used to be tall, ugly, black, the south, and the east is also unlucky,
with long and lose hair, big teeth), and with In the case of Bhagats and exorcists yawn
their forelicads painted with red lead, or ing is considered to indicate that the disense
shendur. They could assume any form they will disappear.2
liked, were powerful, and could fly in the air, In the Konkan it is believed that sneezing and They were fond of human flesh. The yawning indicate the call of death, and therefore
people of Khopoli believe that Khavis is the it is customary ainong the Hindus to snap the
ghost of an African Sidhi. This spirit is thumb and the middle finger at the time of very nalevolent, and exorcists find it very yawning, and to repeat the words Shatanjiva
difficult to bring it under control. A strong i, e. Live for hundred years, at the time of
belief prevnils in the Konkan districts that sneezing. Sneeziug on a threshold is belier-1
those attacked by the spirits of non-Hindus ed to forebode evil,
are beyond cure. At Kolhápur, people believe that sneezing According to the belief of the people in the and yawning forebode evil, and the practice is Kollápur District, Brahma Rákskusa is one of to repeat the following words at the time of the most powerful spirits. It takes up its sneezing and yawning, viz, Shatanjiva i e. Live abode in the sacred Pipal tree, and when it a hundred years, and also to repeat the name of attacks a person, little hope is entertnined of Rám, while snapping the thumb and finger his delivery from its grasp. 19 (chutaki). In the case of a person suffering The following are the principal malifrom a serious illness, sneezing is supposed gnant spirits of the Konkan. to indicate a cure. If a woman sneezes while (1) Vetál, (2) Brahmagraha, (3) Sama man speaks, it is lucky, and if a man sneezes bandhas, (4) Devachár, (5) Munja, (6) Khait is unlucky. The reverse is the case in vis, (7) Girha (8) Chetak, (9) Zoting, respect of females."
(10) Vir, (11) Cheda, (12) Mhasoba, (13) In the Konkan, Rikshasas, or malevolent i Jákhin or Alwant, (14) Lársnnt, and (15) Haspirits, are believed to be very cruel These dal evil spirits are held in great fear, and people (1) Vetál is believed to be the King of try to avoid giving then offence. It is sup- Spirits 11 Vetál is considered to be a deity posed that to cause displeasure to these denions and not an evil spirit. It enters into the may bring about death. With a view to pro- body of an exorcist and helps him to drivo pitiate them, offerings of cocks and goats are a way other evil spirits. 12 made to them every year regularly on fixed (2) Brahmagraha is the ghost of a Bráhdays. If a woman gives birth to a child which man well versed in the Vedas, but who is over is extraordinary or horrible in size and proud of his education 13
1 School Master, Khopoli, Kolába.
2 School Master, Chawl, Kolába, 3 School Master, Vavanje, Kolába.
School Master, Umbergaon, Tháng 5 Rao Sabeb Shelke, Kolhapur.
• School Master, Ubbádánda, Ratnagiri. * School Master, Fonde, Ratnagiri.
& School Master, Adivan, Ratnagiri. 9 School Master, Khopoli, Kolába.
10 Ráo Saheb Shelke, Kolbápur. 11 School Master, Anjarle, Ratnagiri.
u School Master, Shirgaon, Thána. 13 School Master, Ubbádánda, Ratnagiri.