When there was scarcity of rain the Hindus fields. The figure of a tiger made of dry formerly invoked Indra, the god of rain, by leaves of sugarcane is posted at a conspicuous means of Yadnyas or sacrifices, but such sacri- place in the fields for protecting the crops of fices are now rarely performed as they are very sugarcane. costly. The general method of ensuring rain- Great secrecy is required to be observed on fall in these days is to drown the lingam of the occasion of the special puja of Shiva which the god Shiva in water and to offer prayers to is performed on the first day of the bright half that deity. 1
of the month of Bhadrapada (September). The following rural rites are intended to This rite is called Maunya urata or silent worensure sunshine and to check excessive rain. ship, and should be performed only by the male A man born in the month of Fálgun (March) members of the family. On this day all the is requested to collect rain water in the leaf of members of the family have to remain silent the Alu plant, and the leaf is then tied to a while taking their meals. Women do not speak stick and kept on the roof of a house, Burning while cooking, as the food which is to be offered coals are also thrown into rainwater after passing to the god must be cooked in silence, 5 them between the legs of a person born in the | Newly married girls Jave to perform the wonth of Fálgun.
worship of Mangala Gauri successively for the In order to protect the crops from wild pig first five years on every Tuesday in the month the people of Umbergkon in the Thána District of Shrawan (August), and it is enjoined that post in their fields twigs of Ayan tree on the they should not speak while taking their meals Ganesh Chaturthi day (fourth day of the on that day. Som: people do not speak while bright half of Bhadrapada or September) taking their meals on every Monday of Shrawan, every year. 3
and others make a vow of observing silence and In the Kolhápur District the deities Tamjái secrecy at their meals every day. All Bráhmans Tungái, and Wághái are invoked by the villa- have to remain silent when going to the closet gers for the protection of cattle. When the and making water. cattle disease has disappeared the people offer certain persons observe silence at their meals cocoanuts and other oiferings to these deities. during the period of four months (Cháturmás) The potters and the Chudbude Joshis observe commencing from the 11th day of the bright the following ceremony for causing rainfall. half of Ashadha (July) to the 11th day of the A lingam or phallus of Shiva made of mud is bright half of Kártile (November). Certain consecrated on a wooden board or pát, and a classes of Hindus observe the penance of secrecy naked boy is asked to hold it over his head in the additional month that occurs at the lapse The boy carries it from house to house and the of every third year.? inmates of the houses pour water over the phallus. Silence is essential at the time of performing The Brahmans and the high class Hindus pour certain austerities such as Sandhya, worshipping water on the lingam at the temple of the god the gods, and the repetition of the Brahma GaShiva continuously for several days. This is yatri mantra and other such mantras. Secrecy called Rudrabhisheka. It is a religious rite in is specially observed when a disciple is initiated which eleven Bráhmans are seated in a temple by his Guru or spiritual guide with the sacred to repeat the prayers of the god Shiva. mantras or incantations,
In order to scare noxious animals or insects Secrecy and silence are essential when learnfrom the fields, the owners of the fields throwing the mantras on snakebite, on evil eye and the charmed rice round the boundaries of their evil spirit of Vetál. All followers of the Shákta
1 School Master, Fondo, Ratnagiri. . School Master, Umbergaon, Thána, 5 School Master, Chinchani, Thána. School Master, Dabhol, Ratnagiri.
. School Master, Neringre, Ratnagiri, • Ráo Saheb Shelke, Kolbápur. • School Master, Dabánu, Thána, • School Master, Fonde, Ratnagiri.