Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 385
________________ FOLKLORE OF THE KONKAN 55 Dilililo (3) Sambandha is the spirit of a person deceives persons at night by calling them by who dies without an heir, and whose funeral their names and leading them into false paths. cites have not been performed by any member It often troubles people while crossing rivers or of his family. It troubles the members of creeks at night, and leads them to places where the family, but when invoked through a Bha- the water is very deep. It is said that the gat it becomes harmless, and even favour spirit Girha becomes the regular slave of a able to the family. It is the spirit of a person who takes possession of the hair of its covetous person or a sanyasi who dies with head, and gives him anything that he requires. his desires unfulfilled. It does not allow It requests the person to return its hair, but anybody to enjoy his wealth, and takes this should not be given under any circumrevenge on an enemy till death ensues. It stances. For, if the Girha gets back its hair haunts trees, wells and unoccupied houses. all sorts of misfortunes will befall the man 11 (4) Devachár is the spirit of a Shudra who (8) Chetak is the ghost of a person of dies after his marriage. These (Devachar) | the Kunbi or Shadra caste. 12 This spirit is spirits are said to reside on the four sides of a also known as Dáv. village. The spirits which reside in barial (9) Zoting is the ghost of a man belonging or cremation grounds, on river banks, and in to the Khárvi or Koli caste13 It is also said old trees are said to be subordinate to these. to be the ghost of a Musalmán, 14 Cocoanuts, plantains, sugar, cocks and goats 1 (10) Vir is the ghost of an unmarried must be given annually to gain their favour. Person belonging to the Kshatriya com (5) Munja is the spirit of a Brahman boy munity13 It is also said to be the ghost of a who dies immediately after his thread ceremony, Rajput or a Purbhaya (Pardeshi.) but before the final ceremony called Sod-munj (11) Cheda is the ghost of an unmarried is complete. It does not greatly affect its Mahár. It resides on mountains, in jungles, victim but simply frightens. When it attacks, and the outskirts of the village 19 Cheda it is difficult to drive out. It is cast out only attacks domestic animals. It haunts fields and when the patient makes a pilgrimage to a holy farms, and resides at public places where the shrine. It resides in a Pipal tree or in a well. Holi fires are annully kindled. To avoid (6) Khayis is the spirit of a Musalmán or being troubled by it, people offer annual a non-Hindu. It is also the spirit of a Mahár sacrifices of fowls and goats, 17 Or 4 Máng 8 (12) Mhisoba is the lord of the ghosts, (7) Girha is the ghost of a person who and is equal in might to Vetál 18 dies by drowning, or of a murdered person. (13) Jákhin or Alwant. Jákhin is the Girha is not very powerful, and obeys the orders ghost of a woman who has a husband alive. of the exorcists. It only frightens and troubles Alwant is believed to be the spirit of a woman people.10 It lives by the water side, and dying at childbirth or during her menses, 1 Ráo Sabeb Shelse, Kolhấpur. * School Master, Chauk, Kolába. 5 School Master, Khopoli, Kolába. Rao Saheb Sholke, Kolhápur. • School Master, Khopoli, Kolába. 11 School Master, Anjarle, Ratnagiri 13 Ráo Sebeb Shelke, Kolbápur. 15 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri, 11 School Master, Anjarle, Ratnagiri. * School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri, • School Master, Ubbádánda, Ratnagiri. School Master, Anjarle, Ratnagiri. & School Master, Chowl, Kolába, 10 School Master, Shirgaon, Thána! 12 School Master, Bankavli, Ratnagiri. 14 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri. 16 School Master, Sbirgaon, Thána. 18 School Master, Sbirgaon, Thána.


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