Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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The people of Achare in the Málwan taluka hearing, while the people of Náringre hold believe that the souls of persons who die by that the hair is the best way for spirits to nccident return to the same caste, and have to enter. The residents of Iblirámpur state remain there till the expiry of an appointed that the mouth and the nose are the favourite period. 1
channels for spirits entering human bodies, The people of Chauk believe that persons At Mitbáy it is believed that spirits attack dying a sudden or violent death leare wishes people in the throat, and generally only those unfulfilled, and are therefore compelled to persons who are uncleanly in their habits are remain in this world in the form of Bhuts.2 liable to be attacked. There are no special
At Rái in the Sálsette taluka it is believed ways for entering human bodies.11 At Chaula that the souls of those dying a sudden or violent belief prevails that spirits enter the body death attain salvation according to their deeds when a person is suffering from any disease or in lifetime, but it is a current belief that those when he is frightened, 12 committing suicide take the form of a ghost, In the Konkan, people attempt to find good and those who die on battlefields attain eternal or bad omens in sneezing. It depends upon the salvation,
time and the position or standing of the person At Kolhápur, it is believed that the souls of who sneezes. If a sick person sneezes it is those who die violent deaths do not attain presumed that he will recover from his illness salvation, but are turned into ghosts.
within a very short period, but if the sneezing The people of Ubhádánda in the Vengurla is caused by the use of tobacco or snuff, no good taluka believe that Bhuts do not possess or bad omens are drawn 13 Sneezing at the visible huinan forms. They can assume any time of conversation or when conten:plating any shapes they like, but there is a conimon belief particular task or business is held to be that che hands and feet of Bhuts are always inauspicious. Hence if anybody sneezes at turned backwards.
the beginning of a task, or at the time of The most favourable tiines for spirits to starting out on any such task, the time is enter human bodies are midday, midnight and unfavourable. Yawning is said to be caused twilight. Women in delivery as well as by a relative or friend remembering the person those in their menses are most liable to be who yawns.14 In ancient times happiness and attacked by spirits,? It is generally believed calamities were foretold by a voice from the that persons adorned with ornaments are sky, and in modern days they are expressed by attacked by spirits, especially in cases of sneezing. People have much faith in sneezing, women and children. Again, a common belief and often inquire whether it is a good or bad prevails in the Konkan that persons, and omen to sneeze at the beginning of any work or particularly ladies, decked with flowers and undertaking.15 ornaments are more liable to be attacked by If a man sneezes with his face towards the spirits than others. The people of Fonda west, it is considered auspicious. If a man are of opinion that spirits generally enter and sneezes while contemplating any task or busileave human bodies through the organ of ness, the sneezing is considered inauspicious, 1 School Master, Achare, Ratnagiri.
* School Master, Chauk, Kolába. 3 School Master, Rái, Thána,
• Ráo Saheb Shelke, Kolhapur. School Master, Ubhádánda, Ratnágiri.
6 School Master, Anjarle, Ratnagiri, 1 School Master, Rai, Thána.
& School Master, Bándivade, Ratnagiri. o Shool Master, Fonde, Ratnagiri,
10 School Master, Ibhrámpur, Ratnagiris 11 School Master, Mitbáv, Ratnagiri.
12 School Master, Chawl, Kolába, 3 School Master, Pendur, Ratnagiri.
14 School Master, Ubhádár-la, Ratnagiri. 15 School Master, Bándivade, Ratnagiri.