Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 365
________________ FOLKLORE OF THE KONKAN in exorcism. The following is a description of At Kulhápur, dancing is not used in exorcism one of these dances, Songs of the deity which but the people suffering from evil spirits someis to be summoned on the occasion are sung times dance and cry out loudly. Some of along with the music of the Tál (a kind of them loose their hair while dancing, and even cymbal) and the beating of drums called strike their heads. Some quarrel like comba: Ghumat. The Ghemat is an earthen jar, the tants, and soine of them try to make speeches lower and upper ends of which are covered like orators. There is a temple of the god over with leather. The man in whose body Shri Dutta at Narsinhwádi in the Kolhápur the deity is to make its appearance takes his State, to which people suffering from evil spirits bath and sits by the side of a small prayer are brought for a cure. These people cry out carpet called Asan. A small quantity of rice loudly when the palanquin of the Swami Maha(about a ser) is put in front of the carpet, and raj is carried through the village, and spirits a copper pot filled with water is placed on the usually quit the bodies of their victims at this rice. The musicians begin to strike their time, for it is said that they cannot bear the instrument with a loud clash, and the exorcist's proximity of the Swami Maháráj. Patients body begins to shuke. The shaking of the are also cured by residing in the village for a body is a sure indication of his being spirit certain period. On this account the village of possessed. He then sits upon the carpet and Narsobáchiwádi is considered very holy. A begins to throw grains of rice into the copper big festival is celebrated in this village annupot containing water, gives out the name ally on the twelfth day of the dark half of of the particular spirit with which he is Ashwin (October). Feasts are given to the possessed, and the cause for which it has Bráhmans, the expenses being borne by the attacked the patient. He then explains Kolhápur State. the measures and rites by which the spirit can In the Sangameshwar taluka of the Ratnagiri be driven out. The people abide by his direct- District, the Bhagat or exorcist is respected by ions, and the patient is thus cured, the lower caste people. His duties are to ask At Padghe in the Thána District, when an a kaul from the deity on behalf of the people evil spirit is to be driven out from the body of and to alleviate their sufferings. His appointthe patient, the latter is asked to hold in his ment is hereditary, the clever member of the mouth a bctelnut or a lemon. After some family generally following the profession of time, the betelnut or the lemon is put into a his father. In the Devgad taluka of the bottle, the bottle is then tightly corked and Ratnagiri District, low class people are afraid buried undergroand. A copper pot is filled of sorcerers because they might injure them if with water, and the diseased person is asked to they are offended. They therefore are carehold the pot upside down. If the water runs ful not to cause them displeasure. There, the out it is believed that the spirit has dis- profession of a sorcerer or exorcist is not appeared. hereditary. Any one who learns the wicked In the village of Edwan of the Thána Dist- mantrus after attending regularly the burial rict, dancing is practised in cases of spirit and burning grounds for some days becomes possession, but it is resorted to among the lower an expert, and may follow the profession, castes only. While daucing, the sorcerer cries In the Málwan taluka of the Ratnagiri District out loudly, and throws grains of Udid (Phase the chief function of the village sorcerer is to olus radintuy)on the body of the diseased person worship the village deity. All kind of gifts after repeating certain mantras. This rite and presents intended for the deity are made is styled Blrárani or the process of charming through him. His profession is hereditary 1 School Master, Málád, Thána. 3 School Master, Edwan, Thána. 5 School Master, Sangameshwar, Ratnagiri, 2 School Master, Padghe, Thána. 4 Rao Saheb Shelke, Kolhapur. & School Master, Mitbáv, Ratnagiri.


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