Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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story is told in connection with the goddess. pujári of the Pir on the hill of Baba Malang A person in need of money used to place be- near Kalyán. It is said that the Pir has fore her image as large a heap of flowers as declared that no Moslem pujári should worhe wanted gold, stating that he would return ship him. The Hindus and Moslems worship the gold when he had done with it. He used him alike. then to go home and return on an appointed Bráhmans do not cross the top of a mounduy for the gold, which was sure to be found
tain without stopping for a short time before where he had placed the heap of flowers.
ascending the summit.8 Once a man failed to return the gold, and
At a short distance from thenceforth the goddess withheld her bounty.
Chaul in the There is no door to the temple of this god
Kolába District is a hill dedicated to the
god Dattatraya, in whose honour a' great fair dess. It is only through a hole in a big
is held annually. The following story is told stone that one can have a view of her image.
in connection with this hill. In ancient times Sweet scent is said to be continually emitted
a Bráhman used to practise austerities on this from this hole. The goddess is said to have fastened the door of her temple for the fol
hill near * Tulsi plant (the place on which the lowing reason. One day the goddess was
present temple stands). He used to spend the walking at the foot of the hill at night. A
whole day there, but returned home at night
fall. On his way home fearful scenes were cowherd who happened to be there was be
often presented to him, and in his dreams he witched by her matchless beauty and fell a
. was asked not to go there any more. But the prey to evil desire. He pursued her to the
Bráhman was obdurate. He persisted in his top of the hiil, when the goddess, divining
resolution to practise austerities for a number: his motive, fastened the door of her temple
of years, and at last succeeded in obtaining with a prodigious stone. On the same hill is
a personal interview with the god Dattatraya, a cattle shed in which fresh cow-dung is said
who commanded him to bow down to his feet to be always found. This place being inaccessible to cows and other quadrupeds, the
(páduka). From that time pious men live on
this hill and offer their prayers to the god people believe that the goddess keeps a cow
Dattatraya. Nearly four hundred steps have of her own.
been constructed for the ascent of this hill, The hill of Tungar is consecrated by the
and additional steps are being built every temple of a certain goddess upon it. There
year. Here also are some springs of pure is also a very famous hill near Arnála, called
water. It is worth while to note that the the hill of Buddha. This hill was once the
pujári of this god is a Shudra by caste. On seat of a king belonging to the Weaver caste.
the north-east side of the bill dedicated to the Recently a pond was discovered upon it, in
god Dattatraya stands the temple of the godwhich was found & stone-box containing & begging-pot and a diamond. A great fair is
dess Hingláj. To the north of this temple held annually on the hill of Motmávali near
are four caves, while to the west is a deep den Bandra in the Thána district. The devotees
resembling a well, through which a lane apof the deity are Hindus, Parsis, and Chris-peurs to have been dug. This is said to be the tians. It is said this goddess was once wor- road excavated by the Pándavas to enable shipped by Hindus only. A Brahman is the them to go to Kási 5 At a distance of
1 School Masters, Agásbi and Arndln, Thána, School Masters, Agáshi and Arnála, Thápa. & School Master, Umbargaum, Thina.
• School Master, Chaul, Kolába. School Master, Chaul, Kolába.