Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 349
________________ FOLKLORE OF THE KONKAN The rite of Rishi-Panchami is performed duy of Ashvin, the host and the hostess put off on the 5th day of the bright-half of Bhadra- their clothes and perform certain family pad to make amends for sins committed with rites. out knowledge. On this day women go to a The women of the Thána District fast the river, & well, or some other sacred place, whole day on the 12th day of the dark half cleanse their teeth with the leaves of the of Ashvin. At night they worship a cow, Agháda plant, and take baths with something I give in charity a calf, and then take their on the head. They then take some stones meal. It is to be noted that this ceremony from that place and worship them as Rishis called the Vasu-dwádasi is performed by On the conclusion of the worship, they partake women who have children. On the Haritálika of fruits. On the Vrata Sávitri day women day some women live on the leaves of a worship a Banyan tree or its boughs. The Rui tree, ceremony falls on the 15th day of the bright On the Somavati.Amávásya day women worhalf of Jyesta. On the Haritálika day i.e., I ship a Pipal tree and offer it a hundred the 3rd day of the bright half of Bhadrapád, and eight things of one kind, Women women make images of earth of Parvati and desirous of having a son perform a certain her two friends and worship them and fast rite at midnight, without clothing. If one the whole day. The observance of this rite wishes to have a son, one has to go through contributes to their good fortume. Even girls la ceremony called the Hanumán in a naked of tender years observe this fast. The wor- state. ship of Mangalá-Gauri is a ceremony per- The god Kálbhairav is worshipped by a formed by married girls for five successive naked person on the Narka-Chathurdasi day years on every Tuesday of the month of (14th day of the dark half of Ashvin). Shrávan, Similarly the goddess Mahalakshmi Those learning the dark lore, e. 8., muth is worshipped on the 8th day of the bright márane, are also required to remain naked half of Ashvin. On the Makar Sankránt day while studying it. They learn this lore on an women worship a sugad * and present it to a eclipse day on the bank of a river.10 The rite Bráhman, The Shiva-mutha consists of a called Somaya is performed by the host handful of corn offered to the god Shiva byl when his clothes are off his body. On a married girls on every Monday in the month certain Monday in the month of Shrávan a of Shrávan, lamp of wheat flour is prepared and burned The worship of Shadananda and the Holika by adding ghi. This lamp is regarded as a Devi and the ceremonies of Shrávani, deity, and is worshipped solemnly. During Shoráddha and Antyesti are performed by men the performance of this ceremony as well alone. as the preparation of the requisite food, the In some families of non-Bráhmans on a host and the hostess are required to remain particular day, especially on the full-moon nakod. 11 1 School Master, Ubbádánda, Ratnagiri, • Two aarthen pots tied face to face, one of which containing some corn and red and yellow powders. 2 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri. 3 School Master, Malgand, Ratnagiri. • School Master, Málvan, Ratnagiri. 5 School Master, Makhanele, Ratnagiri. • School Master, Anjur, Thána, * School Master, Badlapur, Kalyan. • School Master, Bhuvan, Thána. . School Master, Bhuvan, Thána. 20 3chool Master, Tale, School No. I, Kolába. 11 School Master, Poládpur, Kolába.


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