Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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they cross his path. Besides the mytho--the rain-bow appears in the east, it indicates logical story regarding the cause of an the coming of more rain, and if it appears eclipse, the people of the Ratnagiri District in the West. it is a sure sign of the close of also believe that the Girha throws his the monsoon. shadow on the sun and the moon, when The milky way is believed to be the he con es to demand his dues from them. heavenly Ganges. Well known tradition The Konkan villagers, on an eclipse day,
lagers, on an eclipse day, relates how Wáman (the 5th incarnation of strike barren trees with a pestle, in order that
Vishnu) went to Bali the king of the lower they may bear fruits and flowers. A barren
regions and asked him to give him land woman is also beaten with the same motive,
measuring three feet only. The king conSimilarly many other superstitious beliefs
sented, whereupon the god Wáman enlarged are connected with an eclipse. Pregnant
his body to such an extent that by his one women are not allowed to see the eclipse of
footstep he occupied the whole earth and by the sun or the moon, nor are they to engage
the second be occupied heaven. Upon this the in cutting, sewing, etc. as this is believed to
god Brahma worshipped the foot of the god be injurious to the child in the womb. The
Vishnu which was in heaven, and from that eclipse time is supposed to be the most
foot sprang the heavenly Ganges which flows suitable to learn mantras or incantations."
in heaven and is called Dudha Ganga or the The mantris also mutter incantations during
milky Ganges. an eclipse in a naked condition. The people
The worship of stars and planets is in who believe that the eclipses are caused by
vogue among Konkan Hindu families of the the influence of the planets Ráhu and Ketu
higher castes. The polar star in particular offer prayers to Ráhu on the lunar eclipse
is seen and worshipped by the bride and day and to Ketu un the solar eclipse day.?
the bridegroom after the ceremony at the The planets and stars are worshipped by
marriage altar is over.8 A very interesting the Hindus. It is believed that a person
story is connected with the polar star. By who is to die within six months cannot see
the great power of his penance the sage the polar star. From the movements of the
Vishvamitra despatched king Trisha nku to planets past and future events of one's
Heaven, but the gods hurled him down, career are foretold by Brahman and other
Thereupon Vishvamitra became enraged and astrologers, Aud as it is believed that man's
began to create a new heaven. Hindu mygood and bad luck are dependant upon the
thological books say that he thus created the influence of the planets, offerings of various
sages Vashista, Angiras, Pulah, Pulastya, kinds are made and sacrifices performed for
Rutu, Atri, and Marichi, and stationed Trisecuring the favour of the Navagrahas or the
shanku in the sky. The Nava-grahas or the nine planets. In order to avert the effect of
nine planets are worshipped before the com. the evil influence of certain planets people sometimes wear rings of those precious stones
mencement of all important ceremonies. A which are supposed to be the favourites of
cluster of seven stars called the Sapta-rishis the planets,
are worshipped by men at the time of the The rainbow is called Indra dhanushya or Shrávani ceremony, while women worship the Indra's bow, and it is believed that if them on the 5th day of the bright half of
1 School Master, Poládpur, Kolába,
2 School Master, Masuri, Ratnagiri. 3 School Master, Kalse, Ratnagiri.
School Master, Vijayadurg, Ratnagiri. 5 School Master, Makbanole, Ratnagiri.
& School Master, Ubhádenda, Ratnagiri. 7 School Master, Makhanele, Ratnagiri.
& School Master, Makbanele, Ratnagiri. 9 School Master, Devarukh, Ratnagiri,