Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Hindus regard the earth as one of their earth, viz; pearls, the Shaligram stone, an image important deities and worship it on various of the god Vishnu, the ling of Shiva, occasions. It is enjoined upon Brahmans a conchshell, the sacred thread of a Bráhman, to worship it daily at the time of their flowers intended for worship, basil leaves, and Sandhya rite, as well as while performing the Govardan, 12 Shrávani ceremony. The people of the The following lines are repeated in the Ratnagiri District pray to the earth as soon morning before setting foot to the ground 13:as they leave their bed in the morning. O Goddess! who is clothed (surrounded) The earth is required to be worshipped at the by the sea, whose breasts are nountains, time of laying the foundation-stone of a house, and who is the wife of Vishnu, I bow down as well as at the time of tringing into use a to thee; please forgive the touch of my feet. newly built house. Since it is held unkoly to
O Goddess Earth! who art born by the power sleep on the bare ground, those whose parents
of Vishnu, whose surface is of the colo:r
of a conch shell and who art the store house die, sleep on a woollen cloth on the ground
of innumerable jewels, I bow down to thee. till their parents anniversary is over. Wan
Some women of the Thána District worship prastas, Sanyasis, and Bráhmans are required
are required the earth daily during the Cháturmás (four to sleep on the grourd,5 Some pious men sleep
months of the rainy season), at the end of on the bare ground during the Cháturmás (the which they give a Bráhman a piece of land or four months of the rainy season), at the expiry the money equivalent of it14. Persons who perof which they present a bed to a Bráhman. form a particular rite, c. 8., the SolásomavárIt is enjoined upon a prince to sleep on the vrata (a vow observed on sixteen success. bare ground on the eve of the coronation ive Mondays) are required to sleep on the bare day.7
ground 15 At the sowing and harvest time, Widows and women are required to sleep farmers appease the earth by offering it cocoaon the ground during their monthly courses.
nuts, fowls, rice mixed with curd, etc,16 The Women whose husbands are away are also to
blood of a king and the balls of rice given to
the manes of the dead are not allowed to do the same. In the Ratnagiri District
touch the ground. People convey to a distant Katkaris, on the day on which they wish to place the water of the Ganges, without placing be possessed by a particular deity or spirit, it on the ground. 17 are required to sleep on the earth. When The earth is required to be worshipped people are on the point of death, hey are before taking a portion of it for sacrificial mede to lie on blades of darbha grass placed
purposes.18 A vessel containing water over
which incantations have been repeated is not on the earth.10 The performer of a sacrifice
allowed to touch the ground. 10 On the 15th as well. 28 one who has observed a vow
day of the bright half of Ashvin erery farmer are to sleep on the ground, 11 The following
prepares some sweetmeats in his house, and articles should not be allowed to touch the takes them to his farm. There he gathers five
1 School Master, Nevare, Ratnagiri.
2 School Master, Kasba, Sangameshwar, Ratnagiri. 3 School Master, Adivare, Ratašgiri,
School Master, Pendhur. Ratnagiri. 5 Schrol Master, Devarukh, Ratnagiri.
• School Master, Málgund, Ratnagiri. School Master, Ratnagiri.
8 School Master, Vijayadurg, Ratnagiri. School Master, Chiplun, Ratnagiri,
10 School Master, Kankava, katnágiri. 11 School Master, Masure, Ratnagiri,
12 School Master, Chiplun, Ratnagiri. 13 School Master, Khetwadi, A. V, S., Bombay. 14 School Master, Anjur, Thána. 15 School Master, Rai, Thána.
16 School Master, Shahapur. Thána, 11 School Master, Bhuvan, Thána.
18 School Master, Chauk, Koléba. 19 School Master, Vavanje, Kolába,