Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 343
________________ FOLKLORE OF THE KONKA. 13 The Hindus being element worshippers na- them with water, and after repeating sacred turally hold in reverence certain rivers, ponds, | mantras over the water, throws the mixture etc. In the Ratnagiri District the spring at into the well. After this ceremony, the people Rájápur, called the Rájápurchi Ganga is con- are at liberty to drink water from the well, sidered very sacred. It flows from the roots of Befor a well is dug, an expert is a Banyan tree. There are fifteen Kundas or consulted to ascertain the place where i ponds, and the principal Kunda always remains spring flows. A well is then dug, after filled with water. On occasions a big játra offering a sacrifice to the spirits and deities fair is held and people from distant places that happen to dwell at that spot. A cone to bathe and worship at the spring. 1 dinner is given to Bráhmans after the well is Some people believe that many of the lakes, built. A golden cow is often thrown into a springs, etc., situated in the Kolhápur State are newly built well as an offering to the water sacred. A spring or rivulet that flows to the deities.10 There is a well at Mandangad, the east is considered specially sacred. It is called water of which serves as medicine to cure a Surya-Vansi spring, and it is considered meri- the poison of snakes and other reptiles.11 torious to bathe in it. In the village of Kun- It is believed that there is a class of wicked knuli in the Ratnagiri District if a person is water nymphs called Asara who generally bitten by a snike or other poisonous reptile, no dwell in wells, ponds, or rivers, far from the medicine is administered to him, but holy water habitation of men. Whenever these nymphs brought from the temple of the village goddess come across a lonely man or woman entering is given to him to drink, and it is said that the well, pond, etc., they carry that persou under patient is thus cured. The water fall at Maral water. The village of Mitha-Bar in the Ratnear Devarkuha, where the river Bán takes its nágiri district is a well-known resort of these rise, is held saered," At Shivam in the Ratná- Asarás, and many instances are given by the giri District the people use the tirtha of a villagers of persons being drowned and carried deity as medicine for diseases due to poison. off in the river by these wicked nymphs. A They say that it is the sole remedy they apply tank in the village of Hindalem in the same in such cases. There are ponds at Manora in district has a similar reputation.12 The people the Gou State, and Vetore in the Sávantwádiof the Konkan believe that water nymphs are State, the water of which is used as medicine sometimes seen in the form of women near for the cure of persons suffering from the poi- wells, rivers, and ponds.19 Some say that the son of snakes, mice, spiders, and scorpions, water nymphs and water spirit, contr objects When a well is duz, the people call a Brábman desired by worshippers if they are propitiated priest to consecrate it. The Bráhman takes by prayers, 14 cow's urine, milk, curds, ghi, sandle paste, There are seven kundas, pouds, at Nirmal in flowers, basil leaves, and rice, and mixes the Thána District, forming a large lake. This School Master, Ratnagiri. 3 School Master, Wanhavli, Ratnagiri. 5 School Master, Makhanele, Ratnagiri. 7 School Master, Ubhádánda, Ratnagiri, 9 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri. 11 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri. 13 School Master, Malgund, Ratnagiri. 2 School Master, Phon de, Ratnagiri, School Master, Bandivade, Budruk, Ratnágiri. • School Master, Masure, Ratnagiri. $ School Master, Mith-Báv, Ratnágiri. 10 School Master, Magure, Ratnagiri, 14 School Master, Mith-Báv, Ratniciri. 14 School Master, Devarukh, Ratnagiri


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