Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[JUNE, 1916
The distinctive features, then, of the trish/ubh (jagati) as compared with the indravajra (vamiastha) type are, besides the more or less changeable beginning of the pada10, first the existence of the cæsura and its position after the fourth or fifth syllable, and second the number of matrás of the syllables 5, 6, and 7, if the cæsura is after the fourth, or of the syllables 6, 7, s.nd 8, if the cæsura occurs after the fifth syllable. In order to fix the chronological position of a book with the help of metre we have, therefore, to inquire into these characteristics, since they show whether the writer--fashioning of course his verse according to the form then in vogue-wrote closer to the vedic or the classic period.
(To be continued.)
The Karydala-Saldanugdaana, grammar
written in A. D. 1604, makes a similar statement Dr. E. Hulteach has given a very interesting noten dira 149 whleh runs thus (ante. Vol. XLIV, p. 195) on the words shandy and
Satram ! Sasthi. shindy. He quite correctly derivee shandy from Vittin ll sakaraya bahulam lub bhavati the Tamil word sandai, a weekly market. But in
thakare pare. giving sanhidhd as the Sanskrit original of the Tamil Prayogah Il salutherante, sthånsetána, sthitis jandai he does not seem to be quite correct. The
titi, sthandila-standila, avasthe-avate. other Dravidian languages have likewise the same Vyakhya 11 eka-pada-vishayam idam yatra word in a slightly modified form for a weekly
sthani-nimitte bhinna-pada-gate na tatra market, Cl. Telugu santa and Kannada sante. The
lopah 11 mbhas hutanam, Berasthðam old grammars of the Kannada language derive
ity-4dau tad-abhávat | the word santo from the Sanskrit saath and not We have therefore to tako sarath as the Sanskrit maihdhd.
equivalent of the Tamil fandai, the Telugu santa
and the Kannada sange. The occurrence of sonante Satra 267 of the Sabdamagidarpaşa, Kannads in Tamil in place of the surds of the sister langrammar composed in about A. D. 1260, states guages is a well-known dialectic peculiarity. Sabethat stha of Sanskrit words becomes ta in Kannada
thd is certainly • more appropriate word for (astva-misram appa thakaram bareyum takkram weekly market than agridhd. akkum) and gives these examples : vasthe-avate,
R. NARASINCELACHAR. sthQlam-toain, sthanam-tanam, samatheante, BANGALORE, sthapanetápane.
19th October, 1914,
NOTES AND QUERIES. AN EARLY METHOD OF EXTRADITION Inhabitant of Bombay, is sent to the Inquisition IN INDIA.
Goe, which proceedings will discourage the In“Upon a dream of a Negro girl of Mahim that habitants. Wherefore the Generall is desired to there was a Mine of Tromure, who being over heard are proclamation to reclaim him, and if not relating it, Domingo Alvares and some others went restored in 20 days, no Roman Catholic Worship t to the place and Sacrificed a Cock and dugg the be allowed in the Island." Bombay General Lotter ground, but found nothing. They go to Bundara to the Court of Directors dated. 17 March 1907. at Balaott, where disagreeing the Goveriment (Bombay Abatracle 1-78). . there take notice of the same, and one of them, an
* On the varieties of prosody at the beginning of the anushtubh and trishtubh pada se: Dis Hymnen des Rigveda. Herausgegeben von Hermann Oldenberg. Metrische und lexigeachichtliche Prolog mena, Berlin 1888, p. 13 ff., 48 ff., and the same ZDMG. XXXVII., P. 66 ft.