Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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The people of the Thána District believe that The following are days of special importance. the rays of the moon influence conception." Gudhi-pádva, i.e., the first day of the bright
In the Kolába District, to sit in an open half of Chaitra:--This being the first day of place on a moon-light night, is regarded as the year, gudhis and toranas are hoisted in drinking the rays of the moon. The elong- front of every house and are worshipped. ated part of the orb of the moon pointing Bháu-bij-On the 2nd day of the bright towards the north or the south is supposed to half of Kártike every sister waves round ihe forebode scarcity or abundance, respectively.
face of her brother a lamp, and makes him a It is a common belief that the moon should present. 10 not be seen on the Ganesh Chaturthi day,
The ceremony on the Bháu-bij day has come
Thecer i.e., the 4th day of the bright half of Bhadra
into vogue on account of Subhadra having pad.
given a very pleasant bath to her brother Looking at the moon continuously for a Krishna on that day. The Court of Yama is short time on every moon light night is said also said to be closed on that day, since he to keep one's sight in good order..
goes to his sister; and consequently perIf the Amávásya falls on Monday, Brahman sons who die on that day, however suuful they women of the Thána District walk round a
may be, are not supposed to go to Yamaloka Tulsi plant or a Pipal tree and make a vow
i. e., hell.12 to a Brahman.5
Akshya Tritiya:-On the third day of In the Kolába District a special ceremony
the bright half of Vaishákh cold water and is held in honour of minor goddesses on the
winnowing fans are distribut.d as tokens for 8th day of a month. The following things
appeasing the Manes of ancestors. On this are avoided one on each of the fifteen tithis
day is also celebrated the birth of the god respectively
Parashurám.12 Kohala (pumpkin) dorli (Solanum indicum,)
Ganesh Chaturthi-On the 4th day of salt, sesamum, sour things, oil, ávale (Emblic
the bright half of Bhadrapad, an earthen myrobalan), cocoanats, bhopala (gourd), image of Ganpati is worshipped and a great padval (snake-gourd), pávte(Dolichos Lablah) ceremony is held in his honour.13 The fourth masur (Lens esculenta) brinjal, honey, gam
day of the bright half of every month is called bling.
Vinayaka-Chaturthi; while that of the dark
half is called Sankasti-Chaturthi. On the The people observe a fast on the 13th (Pradosha) and the 14th day (Shivarátra) of
Vinayaka-Chaturthi day, people fast the whole the dark half of every month.7 On the 15th
day and dine the next day; while on the day of the bright half of Chaitra, a fair is
Sankasti Chaturthi day, they fast during the
day time and dine after moon-rise.14 That held in honour of the guardian deity of a village, and hens, goats, etc., are offered as a
Sankasti Chaturthi which falls on Tuesday is sacrifice.8
considered the best.13
1 School Master, Kalyan, No. 1 and School Master, Padagbe, Bbivandi. 2 School Master, Chidhraa, Kolába.
3 School Master, Poládpur. • School Master, Chauk, Kolába.
5 School Master, Anjur, Thána, 6 School Master, Chauk, Kolába,
+ School Master, Poládpur. & School Master, Poladpur, Kolába
9 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri, 20 School Master, Basani, Ratasgiri,
11 School Master, Pendur, Málvan, Rainigiri, 12 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri,
13 School Master, Basani, Ratnagiri. * School Master, Malguad, Ratnagirl,
15 School Master, Ubbídánda, Vengurla