Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 44
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Janapadakalyani reputed wife of Bindusara, two of the name
Janma suwasini, perpetual unwidowhood
járan, jádu, etc. forms of black art Jari, goddess
Sup. 74
Jatavarman, two Pandya kings of
. Sup. 92 Sup. 30 .. 181 and n. 41, 43 and n. the name 172; ancestor, of Bhojavarman 271; and Gauja ... .. 274 Jatavarman Kulasekhara II, supposed Pandya k. 167; two of the name, (of 1190, and of 1237) 173, f., I, (1190) note on 189, 191; II (1237) 190, note on .. 193 174
Jatavarman Parakrama Pâplya Jatavarman Srivallabhadeva, new king, (1291) note on ...
Jaswant Rao Holkar
Jatakas, the, and history
248, f.
Jațâvarman Sundara Pândya 166, 173; f.; I. (of 1251) note on 192; 199, f.; I (of 1258) 200; new king (of 1270) 198, 201, f.; (probably 1276) 199, f.; II (of 1276) 199, 201, f.; note on 245, f.; IV. (1302-03) note on 252, 1. Jaâvarman Tribh. Parâkrama Pandya (1315) note on .. .. 254 Jatavarman Tribh. Vikrama Pandya k. 167;. (of 1278-1305) note on 247; Jajavarman Vira Paplya k. 166, two of the name 167, f., 174; new king, (of 1254) note on 189, 194, ff; (of 1296) 196; note on 249252; (of 1252-1253) 250, f. Ja ilavarman Srivallabha Palya k. 166 Jauhar, and the date of Akbar's birth and death 233, 235 and n..-239, 243 Javagal, Lakshmi-narasimha temple at 92, 94 Jayasimha II., Jagada Ramalla, W. Chalukya k., and Kollipake
Jerome Xavier, and Akbar Jerusalem, Church of the Holy Sepulchre in 155, T.; Rock of 142 and n.; .. Jesal and Toral, tombs of
jinni, Arabic, and jún
jogata, jogatin, etc., dedicated children.
Jivaka, physician to Bimbisara
Johnson, Geo. murdered J. Smith
Jones, Commander J. F., and the Imâm Madhi
Shrine, Samarrâ Jordan, Clem., and J. Smith
135 95
F. G. Jesus, scenes from his life, in Akbar's palace. 223 Jhaloba, ghost deity
Jhàlàvàd, Jahlwad
Sup. 26 F. G. 93 218
Jina, applied to Buddha Jinendrabuddhi, Buddhist Commentator (Ny.
213 244
275, 278 F. G. 107 n. Sup. 74 43 n. 25-29
155 26--29
Joseph Jai-Shahi, Jalalabad Jûn, tn., and Humayûn.. Jupiter 207; and Iévara..
F. G. 94 241 and n. .. 226 87 n. 111
kabars, tombs of miraculous powers Kabul, and Humâyân .. Kachchhi, border dialect Kadamba and Pallava kings kagadh, Arabic, paper kágvás, kágwás, food offerings Kaikeyi, wife of Dasaratha Kailasa, and Brahmå ".. Kajyata, 277, anterior to Haradatta. Kakavarna, Kakavarnin, Kâlâsoka 42, f.; 45-47; 49 and n.-51 230 146
Sup. 52; 68 227 230 .. 278
Kalahasti temple and Brahmâ KALAN masjid Kalasoka, Kakavarna 43, 45 and n.-47, 49-51 Kàlà Yavan, Dàtàr Pir.. F. G. 95 Kalesa, Kulasekhara .. 176 Kalidasa and tradition 43 n. and an Indra festival ..
Kalika, goddess
204, 206 .. 183 .. 231 217 F. G. 90
.. 207 245
Kalpasitra, the, and Indian history Kál Purusha g. of death.. Kalu Pir
Kalika-Purana and Osiris
Kalinga kings, and Laksha Manasena Kali Yuga
kallalamaram, sacred tree kalpadi ceremony.. Kalpadruma-Kali ki, and Indian history...
41, 43, f. 44
Sup. 83 F. G. 96
218 248 Sup. 83 .. 232 128
F. G. 101 241 n. ..235, f.; 238 .. 229
Kama co., 217, Kumaon and Buddhism kamadà êkidási, ceremony
kama dhenu, cow.. Kamagiri, tn. and Sat!
Kamasutra, the, and the Arthasástra Kambam, hill fort...
Kamakshidevi temple, Kanchipura Kamaruns, German, and dome construction, illustrated
Kámdev, g.
kanakkan, Naik accountant-general Kanarese characters on Mysore sculptures Kanasena, Karnasena, Sûra k...
Kanauj, and Humayun Kâñeipura, modern Conjeeveram, cap. of the Deccan 87 and n., 88; or Kâñchipura, Buddha vestiges in 127-129 Kangra, dist., rock hewn Vaishnava temple in 19; Baijnath? .. .. 21
.. 139 88 59
Sup. 89 113-116
273, f. 156